Example sentences of "very [adj] [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The band were very supportive and they knew they did n't have to do anything untoward .
2 He was very supportive and we learnt a lot from each other . ’
3 The silence grew very quiet and the occasional noises very loud and they began to belong .
4 He dozed on the short drive , but unfortunately he was wide awake and very horny when they reached their hotel room .
5 It was not the intimate physical contact with her cousin which upset her , but the fact that subconsciously she felt so very guilty because she had enjoyed it so much .
6 Yes , a nurse came round and she said hello Herby , she said oh you look quite bright , and I said did he play you up she said well he was very torn and I thought yeah I 'm sure he was .
7 But it 's very strange that I started to masturbate , night and morning , after that .
8 It was very strange that she did n't mind too much what her parents thought , or even Georg , but Uncle Willi so loved his pre-production party , and this year was really excited about it , that she just could n't let him down .
9 But er I can remember being in Evay and a funeral there and to me it was very strange because they carried the coffin from the kirk right down to the kirkyard at the pier .
10 I in fact I 've just been shown a different copy of this , Gwen has just shown me a different copy and the colour 's is totally different , its a very , very poor erm print and , when I was looking at this through my book , the background was very strange and I felt that almost had been painted by a totally different artist , but having seen Gwin 's , er Gwen 's
11 It would be very strange if I stood here saying do n't use a linear script use thought patterns and yet I was reading everything off a linear script would n't it ?
12 ‘ My legs were very weak and I found it difficult to walk , ’ he said .
13 When they were loaded they were very low and you kept hearing the bombs drop and wondering was it your turn next .
14 But it was very premature , and I 'm very I was very sorry that they 'd taken this step , but very , very pleased when I saw the result coming out , and I 'm do congratulate them on their common sense there that they were prepared to put the opting out aside and were looking seriously and sensibly into the tertiary college consultations .
15 ‘ I 'm really very sorry that I had to leave you with my mother .
16 Ludens had found space and time , amid his new sensations , to feel very sorry that he had not gone to see Franca when she had , so unusually , as he realised just afterwards , invited him .
17 Dear Steve Racist Liar Prat , your theft of my copyrights and your brief ‘ celebration ’ of your ‘ scoop ’ , which you paraded to your fellow racist crooks at my expense , has been noted and you shall be , believe me , very sorry that you sought to persist in gloating in your backward , immoral capacity to confect racist lies on the assumption that I shall not be able to retaliate in kind .
18 I was very sorry when you told me this morning of your decision to resign from the Government .
19 ‘ But it was an impossible position , ’ one of them pointed out , ‘ and very stifling because she felt you had to be part of the greater family and do everything with them .
20 So far she had felt very little because she had been well prepared , but she did not have the necessary audacity to simply whisk the cloth away .
21 Mrs Ward 's shrewd gaze missed very little and she longed to ask her why John behaved as he did .
22 He became very dissatisfied and he came back to the U K.
23 When we started filming she was very shy but she got better as she went along and she picked up confidence .
24 They were very discreet but it looked to me like an assignation . ’
25 In another he found old shoes piled high on rusty tables and there was one room he thought very odd but it made him smile .
26 … it was very odd that they got the money in the first place … however they had thought a great deal and had a viable project … and may be a certain amount of guilt .
27 Very odd that he sold Kerslake eh ?
28 The children will not be back from their boarding school and it would have looked very odd if they had been in the same country and not together on his birthday .
29 It 's very friendly And it followed us into the lane several times and then we 'd chase it back
30 He could be very agile when he chose .
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