Example sentences of "first [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jacopo della Quercia is divided into two volumes , with the first given over to an account of the artist 's life and works , followed by a concise catalogue .
2 The fact was that she had lost the six square inches of canvas allocated for the kettleholder when it was first given out to the class .
3 The input cursive line data was first filled in to a consistent thickness .
4 The possibility of a bypass was first mooted back in the 1930s , but the notion was recently resurrected as a solution to the picturesque village 's traffic problems .
5 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
6 When this was first pointed out to the ambassador , he said that he could not be sued for libel since he possessed diplomatic immunity .
7 These private verses were first collected up in the Nonesuch Collected Papers vol. 2 ( see MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ) .
8 The Slav Muslims also had their oral traditions , the most celebrated of their ballads being the Hasanaginica , which was first written down in the eighteenth century .
9 This house was first built back in the 1890s as a residence for the local missionary .
10 The prizes as stated will be awarded to those readers whose correct entries are the first drawn out of the bag after the competition 's closing date .
11 His returned warranty card was the first drawn out for the month of April under a new scheme to encourage registration of pumps and a faster system of repair as featured in February 's Newsround .
12 It is a highly successful adaptation of an advertisement which was first shown back in the early 1980s in Britain .
13 He was at first driven out by the duces , Berhthun and Andhun , but it was not long before he attacked again and slew King Aethelwealh ( HE IV , 15 ) .
14 The key factor for Freud is the prohibition on sexual desire , first set up by the father in the primal horde .
15 The two clubs are the first set up by the recreation support unit of Darlington Borough Council .
16 Each cell wall is first laid down as a thick ridge .
17 It is important to realise that serious books of this kind , which form the backbone of the libraries and were first laid down by the Victorians , are most often those which are not taken out or ‘ issued ’ at all .
18 The project is first laid out on a time base and the job completion dates transferred to the horizontal scale representing planned time .
19 The project is first laid out on a time base and the job completion dates transferred to the horizontal scale representing planned time .
20 The town centre , west of the Windrush river , was first laid out by the Bishop of Winchester in the early 13th. century , and is considered to be a fine example of medieval town planning .
21 To ensure their proper fullness they are first blocked in with a broad contour-band ( the ‘ eighth-of-an-inch stripe ’ ) which gave the painter 's eye the sense of the background to come .
22 In the consultation document that was first put out to the public in nineteen ninety one , the public was only offered the yellow route .
23 Information on the necessary form of a component is first passed down from an assembly arrangement .
24 It was first worked on at the turn of the century by the American psychologist , E. L. Thorndike , and more recently by another American psychologist , B. F. Skinner , and many others .
25 When they are first chipped out of the rock such fossils will often be partly concealed by matrix .
26 These same qualities are needed by lecturers , so it is no surprise that some excellent critical writings , such as many of John Ruskin 's books , were first read out from a lectern .
27 The , the amount of money is allocated on a weighted mileage basis so it 's to do with the length of mileages in the area and it also reflects the various types of surveys that are done to assess the condition of the , the roads in the various areas , so that 's how the money is first divided up on an area basis , but within that all the schemes that are listed here have been promulgated either from such as yourself , from members of the general public , or as a result of our own inspections er and a priority has been assessed to them in a methodical way .
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