Example sentences of "just [vb -s] [not/n't] [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The boundary-maintaining function just does not stand up as a function of crime or deviance .
2 The idea of target setting based purely on ‘ doing better ’ without considering what the cost of that doing better is , just does not stand up to rational examination .
3 The Opposition policy of seeking to stabilise emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 , while keeping the coal industry at its existing size , stopping the use of gas and phasing out nuclear electricity , is the mathematics of Bedlam — it just does not add up .
4 ‘ It just does n't sit well with me any more . ’
5 Yeah It was n't that it was n't the lumps that bothered me it was the uhum , the fact that the edges just does n't stay down .
6 It just does n't give up .
7 ‘ When you know there 's a bird that matches it 's description but you know it 's extinct , it just does n't sink in .
8 It may be that he just does n't feel very well , and decided to stay in bed .
9 It all seemed to emphasise that , in the era of the All Ireland League , the Senior Cup just does n't matter as much as it used to .
10 Just does n't smell right .
11 I suspect it has either seen or heard us , and this is confirmed by the fact that it just does n't appear again .
12 But it just does n't operate here .
13 It just does n't add up . "
14 It just does n't seem particularly logical or rational to me , that you live and strive for a while , then die .
15 ‘ That just does n't tie in with what I know of you , the way you feel about your mother and your brothers . ’
16 Seventeen and a half per cent is something horrible , it just does n't work out to anything reasonable
17 And unless you 're on the council you ca n't go there and state your case , you 've got to go through someone else , who maybe does n't understand it or does n't have feeling in it , and so it just does n't work really . ’
18 I know you need it , the way you read that letter was atrocious Matt if the letter , the word just does n't jump out and tell you what it is , look at the , the words each side of it Christ
19 It 's trying to forget it , and trying to turn it into a more reassuring manifest content , so it starts to dream about it , but the latent thoughts are so disturbing it never succeeds and consequently the whole dream work , this process of disguising the latent content , just does n't get anywhere at all , except for a few minor details .
20 It just does n't look right
21 It just does n't come up .
22 Just does n't come out quick mm .
23 She has gone from having no attention whatsoever , to having lots of it , and she just does n't know how to cope with it .
24 Just does n't know how to treat someone like Mister Johnny .
25 He did n't like all those horrible buckets up there , he just does n't know how to …
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