Example sentences of "just [verb] up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He says over the last five years it 's got far more popular … it 's a sport which is developing … it 's just opening up as a competitve sport …
2 We like your cleverness Has he given it more thought , he 's just come up with a really clever idea I think there
3 Not to marry , but just to meet up on a regular basis and do nice things together such as walks , long discussions about books and music , that sort of thing .
4 He kept forgetting they would write it down : he seems to have thought — most of the time — that they had just turned up for a friendly drink .
5 But , in fact , virtually no behavioural tendency which constitutes genuine action can just show up in a cultural context ‘ as itself ’ .
6 The volunteer may help the young person with job applications or other form-filling , go to a football match or the cinema with them or just meet up for a chat .
7 It would be so easy just to give up for a while .
8 Your Area Managers , your Regional Directors , all got plans ? or do you think those people that are running the company just get up on a Monday , oh , let's see what we can do this week .
9 But this this nervous thing is a very primitive instinct and I 'm just coming up to a word I never can pronounce so you 're going to have to help me with this one .
10 She said oh no I just rang up for a chat .
11 Lesley-Jane will be fine if she just rests up for a few days .
12 It just leapt up like a demon in my head when I was staring at you … like X-ray eyes …
13 I feel like I 've just woken up after a long dream ; ’
14 so and you just end up with a list of names or something like that
15 You can just go up for a ride , letting someone else do all the work while you enjoy the sensation , or learn to pilot the thing for yourself .
16 Belushi exudes all the erotic charisma of a frozen carp , Bracco looks and acts as if she 's just signed up with a Dial a Dime Hostess service and there are various large signposts pointing firmly at The Murderer .
17 I was now at a bit of a loss as to what to do next , so I wandered upstairs to the room that housed the books covering my subject , just to check up on a few things .
18 But this is something else again , having socialist ideas is one thing , betraying your country another , people who do that have no rights at all , that 's my opinion , they ought to be just put up against a wall and shot .
19 instead of just going , you should of said oh I just come up for a few days
20 And Anna Freud said , okay that 's what you called it , but supposing we had to look what you 've just described up in a dictionary , what word would be found ?
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