Example sentences of "just [verb] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Crown Prosecution Service did not just consider whether a bare prima facie case was enough , but whether there was a proper chance of conviction on reliable evidence .
2 Many people who have not been sailing before , many parents are worried about their youngsters , think that it 's dangerous and whatever and we have all this information , we have all these checks , we have a wonderful education scheme er within our own organization in this country and we should go out and sell that and I think we , a lot of it 's going on already and I do n't decry that and we need to just market that a little better to get more youngsters on the water because once we get more youngsters on the water the pyramid gets wider , the building gets higher , so that 's an important issue
3 Drawing No. 78 has this comment : ‘ This Plate exhibits one of these new buildings which afford comforts the poor inhabitants of the picturesque seldome enjoy ; but it is but just to observe that the wealthy residents in Ambleside , natives and strangers , are exceedingly attentive to the wants of the needy , and supply them with a discriminating kindness that does equal honour to their heads and to their hearts . ’
4 Yeah I think it just depends whether the local group want to take up the option or not .
5 Mr Mike Bennett , chairman of the Metropolitan branch of the Police Federation , said last night : ‘ I just hope that the honourable thing is done in relation to the 18 other officers who are still to come before the magistrate on January 25 . ’
6 We have just argued that an important feature of research is its concern with the nature of the event under scrutiny .
7 We have just seen that a non-resonant photon will normally leave an encounter with a molecule unchanged in energy , but it may very rarely lose energy to the molecule and emerge as a Raman-shifted photon of lower energy .
8 We have just seen that the general rule is that since X is not the owner he can not confer ownership on Y , who similarly can not confer ownership on Z. If Z refuses to return the goods to O , O has a claim against Z for conversion of the goods .
9 He has just seen that the ultimate aim of the caseworker must not be to casework at all , but to get his cases to face up to caseworking themselves .
10 But when films are taxed we have just seen that the marginal social benefit of another film exceeds its marginal cost .
11 The bar had just opened and the only customer was Ernie Passmore , who sat at one of the tables , a huge , freckled hand clasping a pint glass .
12 Erm can I just clarify that the thirty million of erm savings , was that actual redundancy costs which took place in ninety two or was that redundancy costs plus the sav commensurate savings which will then benefit ninety three er or was it just the savings ?
13 In such cases stability just requires that the closed-loop gain approaches the open-loop gain at less than 12 dB per octave .
14 Just remember that the invisible spiritual force that makes them work is evil and harmful , so leave them all well alone .
15 Of those who resist cable she says ‘ just remember that the same arguments were put forward against ITV over 25 years ago ; they were wrong then and they will be wrong again . ’
16 The intensity of their feeling was due not just to fear that the landed interest might suffer but to the affront caused to a governing class centred on London and the Home Counties by the notion that those living in the provinces might prefer a degree of local autonomy .
17 I had just assumed that the only possible commentary game was West Ham vs Us. 8thvs9th or 2ndvs10 ? ?
18 I shall just mention that the same general principle applies as for understanding mechanism .
19 At the end of every chapter there 's a review of what you 've just learned and a few questions to check that it 's really sunk in ( and a mini glossary of any new terms/jargon you may have picked up on the way .
20 No , you , I , you just bought that a new cos you 've just landed on it
21 The only time I 've ever frozen in an exam was when I 'd gone for three exams solid without kip , one after the other , and I just brain and the other ones were a real struggle and I had to graft my marks out of solid granite y'know I was chiselling away .
22 BSL research has only just begun and a great deal more will emerge in the coming years .
23 The national six o'clock news had just begun when the blue transit van pulled into one of the numerous lay-bys on the hard shoulder of the southbound ringroad .
24 THE season just ended provided a stark contrast to Darlington 's two previous campaigns .
25 In Beirut the siege of the Palestinian refugee camps by the Amal militia had just ended and the starving inmates were finally being allowed to leave .
26 Let's just say that the serious lack of accountability in some schemes leaves them wide open to be abused for private and illegal gain .
27 Occasionally , as in the Kamilari model just mentioned and the two women on the Kalyvia ring , the celebrants are naked , but this seems to have been exceptional .
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