Example sentences of "just [verb] [pron] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've just caught them trying to ditch their weak link and import a brilliant boy from Rhinefield Lower who does n't have a team . ’
2 No I would just ask , say , you know , just say you want to make enquiries , cos they 're going to be open on the second of April
3 He always did it for a while and then just let it ride to see what happened , but all of a sudden ( it 's amazing — I 've seen it happen several times ) he gets out of bed one morning and says , ‘ Right , I 'm going to do something about it — it 's not moving fast enough for me ’ .
4 You 've just said you wanted to come to me .
5 Yes , I 've got to come back to you in a minute Fred and I 'll just give you time to think about this .
6 Whereas the Fire Precautions Act just says we have to do it , but it does n't say when .
7 Well , I had this one bought at Christmas and I 've only just got him persuaded to let me bring the board down to do it downstairs cos you , where are we going to put it ?
8 If hungry he 'd gnaw your ankle just to let you know to fill his bowl .
9 I just know they like to do the whole family .
10 I just know I have to get away .
11 We just decided we had to have it , ’ he says .
12 Er and but others just feel they want to do it that way , other companies .
13 It 's a very small minority of people who just feel they want to inflict their political will upon others .
14 When something like a murder happens , I just feel I have to sort out what really happened .
15 I just feel I have to know certain things and that one day they will be of great use to me in understanding the world . ’
16 We 're just giving them tips to make them more relaxed .
17 " I just felt I wanted to please God , " she explains .
18 I did n't care for him — I just knew I had to find out if I could go through with it .
19 She just knew she had to see the woman who held Timothy 's heart and perhaps persuade her to set him free .
20 I just knew she had to win . ’
21 I could n't really see him , but I was suddenly frightened , I just knew he wanted to kiss me or something worse .
22 And the poser 's dead embarrassed because this other boy knows him and he 's just spotted him trying to get off with a girl in a shop , not his sort of style at all , and he blushes all over , scarlet , even his ears , I noticed the ears .
23 It just means you have to think more carefully , that 's all . ’
24 Just means you have to get used to thinking , right if that 's if , if that 's er er a tenor clef then that note wo n't be it would be , be an A in a bass clef and F in a treble clef .
25 Do n't know why because it just means he has to take
26 No I just think he needs to do it
27 You just said we had to leave her out of the conversation ! ’
28 Just said he wanted to report a blue Fiat abandoned on the road to Cannara , near the scene of the murder . ’
29 I du n no I just said I wanted to go to a pub I did n't say I was going to the pub .
30 It just makes me want to vomit the way she does that .
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