Example sentences of "just [be] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've just been through a decade where we watched surface responsibility get peeled away from a lot of people and institutions . ’
2 Just been to a friend 's house and he 's given me a nice cup of tea and a little drop of brandy and that I did enjoy it
3 Q My 3-year-old mongrel has just been to the vet to have his teeth cleaned , as a checkup revealed that he had dental problems .
4 We was in this railway station and Marie had just been to the dentist .
5 I 've just been to the physio before I came here .
6 Clare had just been to the lavatory , which , she claimed , was a significant experience .
7 He had just been to the Palace to kiss hands as Prime Minister for the second time .
8 Mark and I have just been for a walk beyond Dalseattie , which was nice until the mist came down and began to make us rather damp .
9 Well Hannah 's only just been on a second ago .
10 Over lunch I overheard Bernadette say to Sarah who 'd just started with us then , Ricky 's a bit strange at the moment because he 's just been on a course , but he 'll be better next week .
11 Tosh and Les have just been on the phone to us up there have n't they ?
12 Jesus , Saint Peter and James and John had just been on the mountain top at the site of the transfiguration , a high point in the gospel story , and right on the heels of that they descended into the valley below and there was a crowd with Jesus ' others disciples .
13 She once reported to Robert Landgrebe , marketing manager , in a voice of genuine shock that she had just been on an aeroplane with three accountants ‘ and do you know , they tried to talk to me about design ’ .
14 ‘ I 've just been into the village to post a letter .
15 The role of Highlander in this project so far had not just been as a catalyst , nor a co-ordinating agency for the network — though this in itself is a vital role — but also as a meeting place for the widely scattered groups which came to the Center to hold regular training workshops .
16 Well , I 've just been round the tents and Lyons are hopping mad !
17 ‘ At parties , if people ask what you 've been doing and you tell them that you 've just been around the world , it stops the conversationd ead . ’
18 I 've just been in the library , studying some of the books you recommended .
19 I take I take , only occasionally I go mad and let ripe and have quite a few , other times I just be on an orange juice and lemonade
20 Because it could n't wait until lunchtime and that , that 's perfectly understandable because he wants to feel in control of what 's going to happen to some degree , rather than just be at the mercy of someone else 's position .
21 Er you see when I was , this would just be at the start of the First World War , oh damn I have n't put a switch in have I ?
22 " Ca n't you just be in a place , Frederica ? "
23 we 'll show you now how to put on a pressure bandage for severe bleeding and then we 'll put the film on and you can see the whole lot again , okay , so just be in the room if you just push and push and push on the window and er the hand has gone through the window , right , and there 's no glass imbedded but it 's cut right across the palm and the reason that we show you this one is because the artery that feeds all these fingers comes and the thumb comes up in an arch like that okay , so the artery comes down , up in an arch across the palm of the hand , so the fingers and thumb all get a blood supply , so when you cut the palm of your hand there is a lot of blood pumping out , okay , so what 's the first thing I 'd tell her to do ?
24 Judging by the hard work they 've put into their music over the last three years , that success could just be round the corner .
25 but just being on the bench gives me the tiniest little bit of hope …
26 Some children faced with a clown , an entertainer or just being at a party atmosphere at someone 's home , do not wish to accept boundaries .
27 And erm I think too , some ways of allowing people to have more power over their own lives , and not just being at the mercy of agencies , such as social services and erm
28 We try to keep a part of our lives for something else — to which we give a name such as Recreation or Sport or Being a Mother to the Children or just Being about the House .
29 Another says : ‘ I pray best when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament , or look at the Crucifix without saying anything — just being with the Lord . ’
30 Just being in the arms of this unique person , whom SHe 'd never been absolutely sure SHe could hook , effectively wiped the unpleasant memory from hir mind for the night .
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