Example sentences of "just [conj] she [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's just that she likes the odd nip .
2 Just because she owns the house I 'm living in , she thinks she can patronize me .
3 From this perspective , political power in Britain is in the hands of the Prime Minister not just because she controls the agenda but also because we would never question her right to do so .
4 Monica will be alright she know 's what she 's doing , it 's just whether she has the time to do it , she would liked it if we had done this before Christmas , so that while you were away John
5 Just before she turned the sign on the door round to read ‘ Closed ’ , a woman came in to look at the toys .
6 He put his hand up her tunic — serve her right for having it so short — just as she got the door open and staggered screaming into her mother 's arms .
7 Then , just as she reached the edge of the road , Miss Clinton flashed by .
8 She found quite a rare one just as she reached the other edge of the wood .
9 Just as she reached the door , it slid shut in her face .
10 The respite was not to last however for , just as she heard the guards wondering aloud if they had hit her , someone on one of the freighters pointed her out with a cry .
11 She had little time for the slow-witted and the unenthusiastic , and just as she exaggerated the talents of those she loved , she tended to magnify the defects of those she disliked .
12 Julia admits that she resents linguistic laws just as she resents the canon law of the Church : ‘ I 'm interested in language as a process , not a thing or an essence .
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