Example sentences of "just [conj] [pron] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Impossible — Wings Balsdon 's got the goons just where he wants them
2 It is no mean feat to perform such a large work , but Christopher Phelps had the orchestra just where he wanted them .
3 Just cos you get them free , I see !
4 I think he fakes this , just because they had them in the books .
5 Erm , most of the people I know , particularly the one 's I like , I look at them and I look at them being beautiful , just because I like them , erm , but I 'm aware of also looking at other people and thinking oh that 's gross you know
6 In the Soviet Union as elsewhere , what matters is how well people manage their dilemmas and not just whether they solve them .
7 Her eyes , threatening to turn from amber to gold as the two of them sat there over a casual dinner on her balcony , briefly dared him to develop the theme , just before she dropped them .
8 Just before she reached them she found a felled tree .
9 ‘ Sorry , but I really , truly can not help you now , ’ I say , just before I dispatch them on a current running down towards St Malo .
10 There 's most flames coming out of it just before you called them .
11 Political theories and doctrines are both affected by political conditions and the needs of practical action , just as they influence them in turn ; and changes in these conditions are largely responsible not only for the more or less continuous process of reinterpretation of the ideologies of political parties and movements , but also for the more profound revision of theoretical conceptions .
12 However , Moore 's claim deserves to be taken seriously by those who think that the objects we perceive exist just as we perceive them when unobserved .
13 However , even here a discrepancy arises as Mercier shows the keyfronts to be black ( just as we see them on the William Smith ) , whereas in all of the spinets by Hitchcock and in his sole surviving harpsichord at the Victoria and Albert Museum , London , the colour of the keyfronts matches the natural key plates ( i.e. ivory keys always have ivory arcades ) .
14 The traditional leather-trimmed wheel and large round instrument dials are just as you remember them .
15 Just as you saw them doing it when we were playing . ’
16 ‘ Things here just as you found them , sir ? ’
17 Not in any special order but just as I remember them .
18 They were just as I remembered them .
19 I prefer to leave pictures just as I finish them in front of the subject .
20 The colours just as he left them . ’
21 ‘ Very slowly , just as he killed them . ’
22 You never could tell with Felipe de Santis and at the moment things were just as he wanted them .
23 just as he wanted them , there was real oldy-worldy and the kitchen furniture was made down at Buckfastely in Devon and that was all re-claim pine
24 Turkey , incidentally , just for pig-iron and incorrigible spite , look like ten times the side they were at Lansdowne , just when we need them to be sullen , depressed , and cruising for a bruising .
25 But this hardly solves the problem of knowing how to obtain the relevant indices just when we need them .
26 It was a real drag to find them handcuffed behind my back just when I needed them most , I can tell you .
27 Just when you expect them to lash into some wicked rockabilly they come out with the Radio 4 theme music soundalike of ‘ Mala Femmina ’ .
28 Just when you expect them to lash into some wicked rockabilly they come out with the Radio 4 theme music soundalike of ‘ Mala Femmina ’ .
29 The prosaic sight of monks going about their everyday business , just when she needed them , was irresistible .
30 One reason for this is that many people have a fear which they can not conceal of anything or anybody who reminds them of death ; knowing that contact with a grieving widow will exacerbate these fears they tend , after expressing their sympathy by word or letter , and sending flowers to the funeral , to withdraw to a safe distance ‘ to give her time to get over it ’ just when she needs them most .
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