Example sentences of "only the [noun pl] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is a relational database which is rather like a filing cabinet in which not only the dividers have been removed but also all pieces of paper without words on them .
2 Only the windows had been modernized , with the old , many-paned windows replaced with blank sheets of glass through which Anna could see the inhabitants , burrowed deep in the comfortable fusty layers of their living-rooms , mindlessly absorbed in the relentless quacking of the television set .
3 If only the clothes had been plainer and more suitable for the vicar 's wife of such a poor parish , ’ Sophia lamented , holding up the lame cocktail dress whose belt Faustina had now taken out into the hall .
4 In an election dominated by the constitutional question , only the Conservatives have been committed to maintaining the status quo .
5 Only the Jews were descended from Adam and only the Jews had been contaminated with original sin as a consequence of Eve 's disobedience .
6 Only the names have been changed …
7 These included : ( i ) extension of coverage to octopus , cuttlefish , primary cocoa products and essential oils ; ( ii ) lowering of dependency thresholds ( that is , the importance of an ACP country 's exports of a relevant product as a proportion of its total exports ) from 6 per cent to 5 per cent and from 1.5 per cent to 1 per cent in the case of the least developed countries ( LDCs ) ; ( iii ) abolition of the principle of repayment of interest-free loans granted under Stabex when export earnings permitted ( under Lome III only the LDCs had been exempted ) ; ( iv ) abolition of the Lome III mechanism for correcting exchange-rate fluctuations ( often called the " tunnel " ) in favour of a system of calculations based on the ECU .
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