Example sentences of "only be [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Benjamin 's mother was lying paralysed in Shoreditch Workhouse even as the portrait was being executed , and he himself had only been saved from abject poverty after his father 's premature death by the generous good offices of his uncle , Samuel Hasted .
2 Japan claims that essential data on the Minke population can only be obtained from dead whales .
3 Surplus value or profits can only be expropriated from living labour .
4 Silly literary prig , I thought , and how typical of a man who thinks that good writing can only be learnt from good reading to find spiritual anguish unreal .
5 Consistency in management can only be fashioned from high principles
6 With the exceptions of Ben Nevis and Carn Mor Dearg , they are seldom visited , can only be approached from distant bases in the north , are difficult of access , progress being impeded by new conifer plantations , have no guiding paths to their summits and are unkind underfoot .
7 It is because the attender is unobservable and can only be inferred from retrospective description that mental experiencing includes a strong tendency to dichotomize the ‘ I ’ ( attender ) from the ‘ me ’ ( self-description ) ; a dichotomy that parallels that between ‘ I ’ and my body .
8 Whether the alternative candidates confuse the situation more often than they aid it can only be found from adequate testing of the system .
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