Example sentences of "only [subord] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which Louis VI and Louis VII had consolidated royal powers was masked from their contemporaries by their policy of pushing hard only where they knew that resistance was weak .
2 The proper approach should be to convict D of the aggravated offence only where he knew that V was , or might be , a police-officer .
3 From the detailed observation of fifteen boards , it was evident that training often followed the pattern of immediate demand rather than being linked to any developmental plan ; thus , a board might ask the headteacher or member of staff for further elaboration of a topic which surfaced at a meeting , such as subject choice by S3 , or individuals might decide to attend an area session on interviewing skills only once they knew that they were to participate in the selection of a senior member of staff .
4 Choreographers who are inspired to interpret music can do so in many ways , all of which can be successful , but only if they remember that its overall rhythm is not merely a mechanical guide to the timing of the steps within the dance design ( see page 68 ) .
5 ‘ If the inhabitants are like us , they will respect us only if they see that we are strong . ’
6 Generally , senators assume that the President has the right to make the nominations and they will block them only if they feel that the nominees are particularly weak and the President needs teaching a lesson .
7 Once again , pragmatism can be defended as providing a good fit with what judges actually do and say in hard cases only if we assume that a pragmatist would have noble-lie reasons for constructing and deferring to the best account of the principle underlying past cases in these situations .
8 Only if one believes that the prospect of privatization is the only way to improve management performance in nationalized industries can one attribute the benefit to privatization itself .
9 Your laughter can be unrestrained only if you believe that nobody is getting hurt .
10 Right in the course of our er er com our meetings Danny erm I will be asking you to recommend me to people but if , but only if you feel that this meeting has been of some benefit to you .
11 Only if I lost that would I have to take my little warband elsewhere .
12 Only if he feels that a private sector or B R management would be er frightened off bidding , and he knew that there were viable bids in play
13 ( 4 ) The sheriff may uphold an appeal under this section only if he considers that the licensing board in arriving at its decision : a ) erred in law ; b ) based its decision on any incorrect material fact ; c ) acted contrary to natural justice ; or d ) exercised its discretion in an unreasonable manner .
14 No matter for how long a period lifers are detained , the Home Secretary will release those people only if he considers that it is safe to do so .
15 An alternative view is that the accused is guilty only if he foresaw that he might not be able to redeem the article .
16 It the statement is taken in this way , a hearer should assent to it only if he believes that I have the belief .
17 The ocean carrier , therefore , was deemed to warrant to the consignor safe transport and delivery and could avoid liability only if he proved that something in the nature of force majeure had intervened .
18 It is only because they assume that the entry of black families into their neighbourhood makes it ‘ undesirable ’ , for example , that white residents ‘ act rationally ’ to keep them out and protect the value of their properties .
19 Some studies stated quite explicitly that they had chosen to study young men only because they felt that as male ethnographers they could only portray the male point of view .
20 Once employed , they became difficult to dismiss either for reasons of inefficiency or economy , not only because they felt that they had acquired a vested interest in the job , but also because they " possessed information which would have been very useful to the union 's opponents " .
21 People litigate such cases ( which is both risky and expensive ) only because they believe that if they succeed in persuading some judge that a new rule would be in the public interest , that new rule will be applied retrospectively in their own favour .
22 And the conservative group is running the council in the sense that labour has scrambled , obviously over the last few days , to reduce its tax level to something closer to the tories and I 'm going to stand with my fellow liberal democrats tonight and vote for a higher figure because , not only because I think that there 's sort of things we want to do in our budget , are b are b are better and and would be better done than not done , but because I think there 's a fundamental political ethical issue here and it 's one which has been confronting this country for a great many years and which is going to be crucial in the next election .
23 Common sense suggests that a person who submits to an act only because he believes that otherwise he will be over-powered and have it done to him anyway does not consent in law , even though the force necessary to overpower him will be small and non-injurious . ’
24 ‘ I tell you , Charles , it was only after I heard that they 'd signed up Micky Banks that I agreed to do it .
25 Almost all animals are either in danger of being eaten by other animals or in danger of failing to eat other animals , and an enormous number of detailed facts about animals makes sense only when we remember that they are the end-products of long and bitter arms races .
26 But it was only when he laughed that Boldwood recognized the man who had destroyed his hope and happiness once and was about to do it again .
27 I knew Leslie 's fastidiousness in sexual matters too well to take the poem literally , but only as he intended that I should : that though he had met many other girls on his leaves in Alexandria and Cairo , he still cared only for me .
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