Example sentences of "only [prep] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only through being exercised in a disciplined manner can freedom be preserved .
2 The apparatus contributes no truth of its own but , he claims , theory construction needs it because facts become significant only through being lodged in a matrix defined by analytic statements .
3 Although structuralism , in its extension of the Kantian position , has constantly asserted the cultural nature of those natural phenomena which impinge upon us only through being assimilated by our own categorizing processes , these may still be differentiated from artefacts , within which such a system of categorization is an inherent attribute .
4 But such is the pressure on professional boxers to prove their absolute fitness that the British Boxing Board of Control last month ordered Hodkinson to undertake full medical tests , and he was cleared only after being examined by four ophthalmic surgeons .
5 Only after being punctured by a giant hypodermic needle , dunked in a cold swimming pool and having every part of their bodies weighed and measured will they be allowed to enjoy a celebratory drink .
6 It was only after being mobbed by newsmen that she showed emotion .
7 AT CONSERVATIVE Central Office , the Prime Minister expressed his confidence in winning a clear overall majority , though only after being drawn into a discussion on how a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition leading to proportional representation and devolution for Scotland would irrevocably change the face of Britain .
8 It also permits us to understand why only to is used with a verb such as discern : ( 49 ) We discerned it to be a man .
9 Occasionally they are led through the freshly flooded rice-paddies to turn and fertilize the soil ; otherwise their duties extend only to being sacrificed at noble funerals such as these , and leaving their magnificent horns attached in layers to the Toraja houses whose residents had so generously supplied them .
10 During his period in England from 1831 to 1832 , in what was to be the first of several such sojourns , Louis-Napoleon met his uncle Joseph — only to be received with a glacial politeness and a lecture on his Italian escapade .
11 Typically , the sterling area was assumed a ‘ good thing ’ , the justification of which needed only to be made to foreigners ( especially Americans ) .
12 Intercourse , since it usually produced offspring , was only to be tolerated in a controlled and formalized context .
13 He published a pamphlet condemning its effects , only to be harassed by the police .
14 Censorship is only to be exercised in accordance with the law of the land
15 ‘ The borders might be going down but only to be replaced by a vast amount of new paperwork .
16 The pain in Corbett 's head subsided only to be replaced by a growing sense of nausea as the ship rocked and rolled on the water .
17 For once she took notice and Wyatt faded from the scene … only to be replaced by another .
18 However , one set of simplicities is dismissed only to be replaced by another .
19 With house prices tumbling by the week , the scope for one-upmanship in this field has become severely restricted — only to be replaced by the school fees bore .
20 Our young Men and Women are being killed and tortured , our children are being mutilated by explosive objects , our lands are being confiscated , our trees uprooted and our homes demolished only to be replaced by Israeli settlements …
21 One spokesman initially described the plants as ‘ surplus to requirements ’ , only to be contradicted by another — IBM Europe has made noises about a 12-month period in which the plants have to prove profitability , while others deny that there is any particular timescale .
22 The Duffer , who celebrated her 100th birthday last week in lavish style , also seems to think that CAPTAIN AMERICA were forced to change their name to C&A after Marvel Comics sued them , only to be injuncted by the clothes store and forced to change their name again .
23 We laboured for her because we liked her , but she tolerated no lazy work : she was a perfectionist and she had taste , insisting on only the best materials , which was unusual in the suburbs , where Victorian or Edwardian houses were generally smashed open and stripped bare , only to be filled with chipboard and Formica .
24 A new regiment of Saxons made its appearance , only to be massacred by its own heavy guns .
25 In the chaos of the battlefield , where all reference points had long since been obliterated , relieving detachments often got lost and wandered hopelessly all night ; only to be massacred by an enemy machine-gunner as dawn betrayed them .
26 Nationalists supported the Wilson/Callaghan governments for years , only to be stabbed in the back in the end .
27 As Davy wrote later , John Buddle , the mine inspector , convinced him that , ‘ as far as ventilation was concerned , the resources of modern science had been fully employed ; and that a mode of preventing accidents was only to be sought for in a method of lighting the mines free from danger . ’
28 For these features have only to be noticed for it to be seen that very considerable scope exists for denying or undermining the exercise of the right .
29 Sterling notes in payment would be sent in a parcel to America , only to be exchanged in US banks for dollars and sent back to the UK again .
30 Jamie Pollock came close to a late equaliser only to be denied with a brilliant save by James .
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