Example sentences of "only [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although there are over 20 million individual shareholders in Japan they only account for a quarter of the total shares held .
2 The colonial state was not only overdeveloped as a whole .
3 According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle this ‘ virtual ’ photon can only exist for a time .
4 Its concern with adolescent love , and the way in which its idealism and purity can not evade the sullying effects of adult realities , paralleled Minton 's own fear of lost youth , his obsession with adolescence and desire for a love that could only exist in a state untrammelled by adult responsibilities .
5 The engine stopped and for a moment there was the silence that can only exist in a forest .
6 The following pattern is only given as a guide to what to do , so that you can adapt it to suit your own yarn and jumper pattern , if necessary .
7 Grants of any kind are usually only given for a proportion of the cost of the work to be done , but when necessary , local authorities can make loans for the balance , on which interest has to be paid .
8 Firstly , and obviously , we only branch on a variable required to be integer-valued .
9 so it is so easy when you 're only helping on a side line because you 're not doing any of the thought processing
10 ‘ In all my years of motor racing , I can only think of a couple of times when I mastered the machine as at the Nürburgring in 1968 .
11 The deaths were only publicised as a result of action by the Andalus ecologists ' group .
12 While most reggae DJs rapidly rise in popularity only to sink within a year , Shabba 's following has swelled over the past four years to a point where the reggae market is too small to contain him — witness the shooting and tear gas panic last year at the Brixton Academy , or January 's trashing of Tower Records , London , during a personal appearance .
13 He had only to go for a spin with Freddie Reynalde or spend half an hour too long in the pub for her shoulders to slump and her eyes to fill .
14 We had only to go for a walk through the empty streets and someone would appear in a doorway to invite us for dinner .
15 Alter all , the swarm can only cover about a metre of ground every three minutes .
16 I only change into a fighter in the last ten minutes before I get into the ring . ’
17 Family cases should be only referred to a solicitor where detailed advice and negotiation about the arrangements to be made for financial provision and for the children were needed ; other civil cases should only be referred once it was clear that court proceedings should be initiated .
18 It was so much the sort of remark one could only make to a girl friend , but Rupert took it very nicely and said with only slightly forced heartiness , ‘ Jolly good , and it 's an excuse for me to have a better meal than usual , too .
19 But , if it 's only hanging by a thread , let it fall apart and build something new from the components .
20 It must be emphasised that this legal position , whereby the company is exempted from certain rules of the host state , can only arise in a case in which services are provided without a place of business being established in the host state .
21 Eventually the little bus was summoned again , and we jumped in thankfully and set off towards the plane , only to grind to a halt at Operations again .
22 The minister 's entourage and assembled media swept into the narrow office building only to grind to a halt on the stairs while he and Mr Fallon shut themselves off for a brief chat .
23 A region dominated by branch assembly facilities and devoid of senior decision-makers , in contrast , is likely not only suffer from a sense of remoteness from those who control its destiny , but will also tend to lack social diversity and cultural vitality .
24 He has shown that a black hole of mass M radiates like a black body at a temperature which only differs by a factor of 4π from the temperature deduced above .
25 I only got into a couple of fights .
26 According to Mark Doran , UI 's technical project manager , ALT wo n't be a full object-oriented specification and is only intended as a stopgap definition until the OMG delivers object linking and embedding guidelines in two years time .
27 It must be stressed that the above figures are only intended as a GUIDE and every claim must be considered on its merits .
28 Those moths that settle there will probably only stay for a day and then continue higher still .
29 Breathless , she straightened up and said fiercely , ‘ You can only stay for a minute and then you must promise to go . ’
30 However campers should only stay for a night or two , be unobtrusive and sensitive to wildlife , and leave no litter .
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