Example sentences of "only [conj] [art] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 Except for the need to make the prescribed disclosure ( see page 41 above ) , the retained marketing rules that non-UK offices have to comply with despite the foreign business carve-out apply only where the firm is carrying on investment business in the UK .
2 Perhaps Herpomyces is able to penetrate the host 's exoskeleton only where the exoskeleton is thin , as it is around the base of the sensory hairs that cover the cockroach antennae .
3 All of these defences apply only where the person is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred , and all of the participants have the defence that they had no reason to suspect that the material was threatening , abusive or insulting .
4 Moss and lichens grow only where the air is clean , which is a good sign in some ways , but moss can block gutters and valleys , eventually presenting all sorts of other problems too , particularly in heavy rain .
5 Fixed-term appointments are offered by the Board only where the job is expected to be of limited duration or there are exceptional management reasons for appointing someone for only a limited period to an ongoing job .
6 This really applies only where the vendor is a company owned by individuals .
7 An occupier is in such a case liable only where the injury is due to some wilful act involving something more than the absence of reasonable care .
8 Thus , Prest has claimed that the assumption about indirect taxes can be justified only where the supply is perfectly elastic ( leaving aside the case of totally inelastic demand ) , whereas the assumption about income tax can be justified only when factor supplies are completely inelastic .
9 It can provide a precis only where the topic is something that it knows about , so that it has some sense of what conceptual relationships to expect in the story .
10 It is only once the problem is well under way or even completed that one fully knows what the notation is required to do .
11 One of the major difficulties with much of the literature on regional geography-both the ‘ traditional ’ and the so-called ‘ new ’ — is not only that no methodology is provided but also that the main differentiating characteristics of places are not identified .
12 Indeed , if the effect of the exchange 's rules is only that the member is liable to other members ( or the clearing house ) as a principal , he may actually be dealing as an agent in any event , and his client may be able to read through the contract to the market .
13 ‘ If these two concepts are interpreted too simply , there 's a danger that people will believe we have to ensure only that the customer is satisfied or delighted .
14 The exercise is principally an informational one : it ensures not only that the minister is informed of local views for and against a proposal but also that those views are tested in the inspector 's enquiry , and fully considered in the subsequent report by the inspector to the minister .
15 If there are two kinds of small molecule in the chain , the two can be thought of as 1 and 0 respectively , and immediately any amount of information , of any kind , can be stored , provided only that the chain is long enough .
16 In the example quoted , the first line leaves unstated the place to which Israel is to return ; the B-line specifies the full significance of " return " in A. It is true of course that it is not only that the B-line is more specific than the A-line but also that the A is more specific than the B. Such cases do not negate the parallelism of greater precision ; they are a subset of the examples of our feature .
17 He says what you can see is most of the cities not only in Holland , but the whole world and of course in England have to deal with the growing of cars and it 's not only that the car is a good thing — the car has very bad things for the city as a whole .
18 The fire researchers can not say why the smoke behaves as it does — only that the movement is far more complex than they believed .
19 Where such a ‘ Healthcheck ’ is carried out , care should be taken to ensure that the report addressed to the client only that the client is made aware that it is not a comprehensive list of all matters to be addressed prior to sale and that implementation of recommendations does not necessarily mean that management should provide any warranties on the matter .
20 ( No. 2 ) [ 1990 ] 1 A.C. 109 , after reference to the principle of law that , in cases concerned with government secrets , the Crown , in order to restrain disclosure , must show not only that the information is confidential but also show that it is in the public interest that it should not be published , continued , at pp. 283–284 :
21 Critics of the most recent studies of compound 1080 say that they prove only that the chemical is lethal to coyotes — not that it can prevent or significantly decrease predation of flocks .
22 Payment of social security contributions over a given period ‘ entitles ’ the payer to a benefit , ( though only until the law is changed ! ) .
23 Only if a building is listed can this significant premium on construction costs be avoided , although the majority of disused churches which are offered for conversion are of ‘ listed ’ status .
24 The agreement may provide for the amount of any fees to which it applies to be increased , but only if a percentage is specified .
25 In paragraph 8(b) of his affidavit the coroner states that a verdict of natural causes aggravated by lack of care is relevant only if an inquest is held and that here he was concerned with the antecedent question whether an inquest should be held at all .
26 Only if an intervention is effective not only in eliminating this factor , but also in transforming the person 's lifestyle such that he or she is removed from this conveyor belt of risk , can the effects of the intervention be expected to be apparent ten or twenty years later .
27 Accepting the authority as a way of identifying with a group will be justified only if the trust is not altogether misplaced .
28 Circularity results only if information is used in justifying the choice which is available only if the choice is resolved in one way rather than another .
29 Another approach to s.5(4) is to argue thus : s.5(4) applies only if the contract is void .
30 This answer would be fully acceptable only if the speaker is fully aware of his situation and can do nothing at present to ease it .
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