Example sentences of "well as the [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , the majority of senior officials , as well as the Tsar himself , had imbibed from childhood a sense of personal and national honour inextricably bound up with Russia 's military might and international status .
2 If a company secretary uses company cheques to settle his own debts , he has stolen the company 's credit balance as well as the cheque itself .
3 That meant that as well as the cheque she had just written for her first month 's rent on her new accommodation , she would have to find three months ' mortgage from somewhere .
4 The sale particulars included , as well as the mill itself , a comprehensive list of machinery and equipment , outbuildings and fourteen workers ' cottages .
5 Vigorous and undiplomatic language was no stranger to a seaman , but from Plimsoll Wilson also learned how to approach and tackle both the law and its promotion in parliament as well as the pamphleteering which preceded change .
6 With the slower speeds the qualifying heats as well as the race itself were almost injury-free this year .
7 We greatly value the close contact we have with the Junior School prefects and the Sixth Year pupils , as well as the assistance we receive from parents in a variety of situations .
8 It is necessary to replicate punctuation conventions , as well as the lineation which indicates the change of speaker .
9 If you intend to night-fish , which is usual in order to fish evening and early morning as well as the night itself , then you should aim to introduce your bait in the evening at least two hours before you expect to catch fish .
10 Clause 10 contains a subcontract provision allowing licensees of Overdrive Limited and their subsidiaries , as well as the company itself , actually to supply drivers .
11 If Europe 's governments choose muddling through rather than such reform , then that achievement , as well as the ERM itself , will remain at risk .
12 As well as the competition there was quite a party .
13 But surely the fact that Rowell has been the brains behind the most successful side in modern British rugby , as well as the man who managed to mesh the England Students into a force so strong that they were able to play World Cup quarter-finalists Canada on their home turf this summer and lose by less than 20 points , puts him on a par with Best .
14 One can not overestimate the importance of Gould 's identifications in establishing foundations for Darwin 's subsequent theories , as well as the part they initially played as catalyst .
15 It brings the whole atmosphere of the period , as well as the work itself , alive .
16 The decisions taken now will affect numerous generations , not just our own , and as well as the Government it is up to us , the consumers , to adopt our own energy policies before it 's too late .
17 Anselm told him , in only formally polite language , that he knew as well as the legate what needed to be done .
18 Some of the things a good caddie was expected to know included a good knowledge of the game , to be able to advise the player on which club to use at any given moment ; a knowledge of the course , the length of its holes , its geography from tee to green and the subtleties and borrows of those greens , as well as the way it played in all weather conditions .
19 The fact that the way you looked told you where to sit annoyed her as well as the way she was treated by thinner people .
20 He would sail from Corunna with ten men-of-war and 19 frigates , as well as the Pretender himself .
21 Presumably , it must include the audience that might be expected to be subjected to the words or material , as well as the audience who were actually present .
22 Even accidents are not necessarily purely environmental since ‘ accident-proneness ’ can have inherited components , and any accident involves the mental and emotional state of the victim at the time of the accident or just prior to it ( state of alertness , for instance ) , as well as the occurrence itself .
23 At ground-floor level , the stair devolves into a central hall , from which access is gained to the single lower-storey bedroom , a waiting lobby associated with the office , and the bathroom/WC as well as the living-room which is reached by passing below the gallery .
24 As I sat there first at EDC [ Economic Development Committee ] and then at Home Affairs , I reflected on the way that Cabinet Committees as well as the Cabinet itself are becoming part of the dignified element of the English constitution .
25 Whether they talk to you or to someone else may depend on the kind of relationship you have with them , as well as the stage which they are at .
26 If real progress is to be made in IT in future we must solve the problem of specifying the need and thus pull through the use of IT as well as the technology itself .
27 And er in the apprentice we used to have to go round the shops on the town matching their er material in velvets and ribbons and satin for making their hats of , as well as the straw we made them from material as well .
28 You may also have noticed that the viewfinder is displaying signal indications as well as the picture itself .
29 And as well as the security which SaverPlus 2001 offers you , you have an extra safeguard .
30 Only sign agreements once you have checked how long the repayments continue and the total you will have paid by the end , as well as the amount you pay per month .
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