Example sentences of "well [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'd just got it in , and the doorbell went , it was Berty and Joke , Joke had on his uniform and all
2 Well I 'd just got there , it was just between quarter past and ten past and twelve were there .
3 Well I 'd already spoken to the man who was running the course , the lecturer and he told me I could go on it , but his secretary said it was booked .
4 anyway he give it to his father and , well I 'd already bought the other one I 'd
5 Well I 'd never seen a monit she did n't know how to .
6 Well I 'd never seen them , I do n't say it turned you on but it made you
7 Well I 'd never heard of salt being put down before !
8 well I 'd only paid me first month you see twenty two thirty
9 Well I 've already said about the bulk transfer Giro , I quite honestly do n't know whether any other option can be given to people , they 've given the option to defer their pension with the Post or their present scheme , transferred it new company scheme or take out er the money and take out a personal pension fund er I suppose there might be a possibility of offering people after a certain number past a certain number of years the opportunity to remain within the fund they 're in but er the contribution and who , who makes a contribution may be a problem , but that 's the only other option I can see .
10 mm , and if he says well I 've already got last week 's here .
11 Well I 've already paid for mine so I 'm going to get
12 Well I 've definately worked too hard today reading all your messages , time to hit the pub .
13 As I say , I er well I 've just said to you , I mean er we sell forty odd quids worth to blokes .
14 Well I 've just chucked me bloody jack .
15 Well I 've just defined it as constructural notion and am now going to show the point , having done that .
16 He 's , he 's already come in for one form put it , he 's obviously filled one form in , he came up and he said can I have an application form for that job in the window , so I gave him one and he went , oh well I 've just filled one in .
17 Well I 've just warmed in the microwave .
18 Well I 've just realized that there 's there 's a five letter space here so I put penis
19 but you still have to take care in case somebody says well I 've just done fractions two , and you say but you have n't done fractions
20 Well I 've just seen did you cotton on to that , it 's not just me ?
21 No well I 've just had erm an interview and erm really just exploring the things that I myself thought of trying
22 Well I 've just had really bad night 's sleep .
23 I went in and there 's Heidi oh well I 've just got all the script coming up on the screen and I 've just got so and so for you and I
24 Well I 've just got ta wash my hair .
25 Well I 've just got high and low that 's all .
26 well I 've just got ordinary straight flat timber at the moment
27 Well I 've just got ta make sure the drill template 's on .
28 Er see well I 've just got ta lie down in the afternoon for ten minutes and I 'm alright .
29 Well I 've just got to .
30 Well I 've just come out of the debate which has just finished on the Palestine and Israel situation and er we passed the voting paper which will become policy for the party , calling for er a non-violent solution recognising the P L O and urging the U N to facilitate negotiations between Israeli government and the P L O.
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