Example sentences of "now [be] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 A final decision will now be made by the Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley .
2 But approaching two thousand voters — the mothers and fathers of Pate 's School pupils — could now be influenced by the letter .
3 Following the EEC ruling , such sanctions can not now be applied by the BAA .
4 Firstly , the local authority search and all standard information about the property will now be obtained by the seller 's solicitor at the beginning of the process , so that when it comes to buying a property all the initial legal information will be available and in place .
5 As these questions had not been directly answered , they must now be answered by the Court .
6 Almost every transaction can now be completed by the use of a transfer deed , and this means that the use and the art of preparing a conveyance deed will slowly become obsolete over the next few years .
7 The information will now be analysed by the pupils in the classroom as part of their wider studies .
8 The yawning gap in that knowledge should now be filled by the publicity given to this case during the public hearings and , we trust , by the publication of our report , ( London Borough of Brent , 1985 , p.83 ) ( My emphasis . )
9 It was in response to that application that the committee yesterday published its findings , which must now be digested by the Law Society before it formally applies to the Lord Chancellor for extended rights of audience .
10 For example , most engineering degrees must now be accredited by the engineering institutions and ultimately by the Engineering Council if graduates wish to become chartered engineers and members of those institutions , so the way in which courses develop is very much dictated by the whims of the engineering institutes .
11 And their personal therapy group can now be swelled by the addition of Thom Yorke , the wordsmith and frontman of Radiohead .
12 In a personal injury action where the plaintiff prepares the summons it may now be served by the plaintiff 's solicitor sending it by first class post to the defendant at the address stated in the summons under Ord 7 , r10A .
13 The uncertainty brought about by further litigation in Australia would now be compounded by the fact that they no longer have any home there to which to return .
14 The novelty of this discontent was that it could now be mobilised by the political left .
15 In an effort to raise $40m , a bill to issue a commemorative coin has already been passed by the House of Representatives and will now be heard by the US Senate .
16 Some of these issues will now be illustrated by the experiences of a group of married women made redundant following the partial closure of a clothing factory in South Wales .
17 But in terms of what records could now be accessed by a historian the quality , volume and completeness have improved drastically with the advent of electronic communication .
18 Participation in the affairs of State and open discussions of political matters must now be tempered by the need for survival between the testing conditions of competition abroad and what results from the State 's reactions to these conditions , the resentments of the population at home .
19 Hydrocephalus can now be treated by the use of a valve similar to that used for cases of spina bifida .
20 This work will now be done by the Hon.
21 My Lords , this appeal arises out of a memorandum of agreement dated 19 December 1930 and said to have created a lease for a term which was not limited to expire by effluxion of time and can not now be determined by the landlord .
22 Homogenisation — the forces keeping the genes in a family similar to each other — is more subtle ; but the way in which this can occur can now be explained by a variety of molecular mechanisms which ensure , willy-nilly , that one variant copy would replace all other copies .
23 This can now be explained by the fact that H pylori causes a selective increase in G17 , which is the form of hormone which rises most with eating .
24 The performance of each dictionary was tested using each of the three documents , and measured in terms of percentage correct and z-score ( the t-score could now be replaced by the z-score since sample sizes were sufficiently large ) .
25 The false conceptions that facilitated those observations would now be replaced by the notions of attractive and repulsive forces acting at a distance , leading to quite different observation reports .
26 A case on these facts would now be covered by the Motor Insurance Bureau Scheme , whereby motor insurers provide a fund to meet claims against uninsured drivers .
27 The options will now be discussed by the council 's land and property sub-committee .
28 This was the idea that found favour with the villagers present and will now be pursued by the parish council with the county roads authority .
29 When the Government was newly formed it was perhaps natural for many matters to be discussed in Ministerial Committees which , with growing experience , should now be settled by the individual ministers concerned .
30 The bank was instructed that the sum of £20,000 from the deposit account was now held by the assignee , who was described as ‘ the purchaser , ’ and that he should now be identified by the bank ‘ as a depositor . ’
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