Example sentences of "no [noun sg] can [adv] be " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 No dictionary can ever be complete , and every user will perhaps find omissions ; and there is the occasional error , as the final section of this chapter describes , but the book remains invaluable .
2 For instance , in the eight queens problem , the position Q can not be extended to a goal because no queen can ever be put in the left file .
3 But the fact is no lender can ever be absolutely sure that a guarantor is not being subject to pressure from the principal debtor , and to require him to do more than properly and fairly point out to the guarantor the desirability of obtaining independent advice , and to require the documents to be executed in the presence of a solicitor , is to put upon commercial lenders a burden which would severely handicap the carrying out of what is , after all , an extremely common transaction of everyday occurrence for banks and other commercial lenders .
4 No conflict can really be resolved as long as these double standards prevail .
5 However as no dose can ever be too small then any dosing level will have some effect .
6 You see , ladies and gentlemen , whatever happens in life , no person can ever be in two places at the same time , for the laws of the Universe forbid it .
7 It is understood that the ANLT is by no means complete ( no rule-based grammars are ) and therefore no complaint can reasonably be made when a sentence such as ( 3 ) fails to produce a parse .
8 I do not mean , of course , that it was something that can not be explained yet , but rather that it was something of which no explanation can conceivably be found .
9 But no bird can ever be guaranteed .
10 According to Henderson ( 1979 ) , ‘ no school can reasonably be so bold as to suggest that it has nothing to learn from other schools , from professional teacher-trainers or from educational scholarship and research ’ .
11 AD 130 has been provided by pottery , but no date can yet be given to the wall .
12 Probably no system can ever be foolproof , particularly when developing technologies continually present new problems for the monitors .
13 But no amphibian can truthfully be described as nimble and for hunting they have to rely on something other than agility their tongue .
14 No agreement can thus be reached about the use of that space and its correct functioning ; the interfacing geometry can not be finalized and changes may need to be made in order to remove violation once construction has taken place within the black box .
15 In this case , no time can even be spared to create full module headers .
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