Example sentences of "me and [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What happen was we was standing this jeweller 's , well really we 'd been there , she half the stuff for me and er other people and that , but erm , were standing there for ages , and she come , I 'm , I 'm sort of standing there like this up against the counter waiting to be served , suppose to be coming back right , stood right on the foot , it hurt , but I thought ok it 's a busy shop he wo n't so I 'd turned around , sort of he was there , so I sort of went to him like that and he was looked at me and fucking looked back , so I said are you gon na apologise then , getting right fucking pissed off cos I about three o'clock that day , hang over and being dragged up and down the town all fucking day ai n't my idea of fun you know , ri right in a bad mood anyway , and he said no in a real fucking why do n't you try and make me sort of attitude , so I 'm just about to fucking say something to me , like , how out the shop and everything , and she said what 's the fuck , what 's the matter with you then ?
2 Me and just sit there copying them .
3 ‘ Oh , yes , I knew you did n't trust me and probably do n't now .
4 All our friends know he 's infatuated with me and always comes back when his temper has cooled down .
5 get some shopping done , then have afternoon tea , baby and me and then come back for Grant .
6 ‘ How dare you dump me like that , abandon me and then make off — with all my things too , with my money on board ? ’
7 ‘ It took a look at me and then melted away into the shadows .
8 He glared at me and then walked past and had a sharp look around the office .
9 So , so , he looked , he looked round at me , he looked at the the other group waiting in front and he was , he flashed his lights at them so that , they realised what was going on by then , they moved forward a bit , I moved back a bit and he just had enough room he reversed right up close to me and then got out but he just had enough room to get out , and since then I wo n't park over the driveway up there , cos you can bet your life the one driveway along that road and you parked in front is the one that somebody wants to get into .
10 He flashed signals back to me and then ran downstairs to check by telephone to see if the message had been sent and received correctly .
11 He examined me and then straightened up , shaking his head .
12 Soon all who were following me were leading me so the chances were that they were not following me though they could still be following me by leading me and then waiting around to ambush etcetera etcetera ; but of course not .
13 His other tactic was to agree with me and then stand well back from whatever foolish project I 'd come up with .
14 She takes the towel off me and then squats down and begins brushing bits of hair off of my face with her fingers .
15 She lifts her eyebrows at me and then stands up and goes over to the sink .
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