Example sentences of "me [coord] i be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've never really been , like , single single cos I 'm always sort of like , not actually going out with somebody but I 'm always , I 've always got someone who sort of fancies me or I 'm flirting with .
2 ‘ Someone answer me or I 'm gon na lose my rag . ’
3 My best years are ahead of me and I am looking forward to next season .
4 ‘ ' Shortly after he looked me full in the face and said , ‘ You have been a good father to me and I am persuaded we shall meet again in heaven
5 It was like second nature to me and I was enjoying it , ’ he recalled .
6 I tried to get up but my legs were pulled from under me and I was kicked by my opponent .
7 It felt as though someone was pulling my lifeline away from me and I was flailing around , trying to grab hold of it .
8 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
9 Micheline sounded excited to hear from me and I was invited to the group 's meeting a few weeks later .
10 The Saul Syndrome had settled upon me and I was wrapped tightly in his mantle .
11 They were both hugging me and I was crying the kind of tears which seem to come from a part of you which you never knew you had .
12 There were a few of them who put it straight at me and I was forced into getting into rows .
13 Erm Ian left that with me and I was to speak to Bob before Bob gave it to because it was n't very good .
14 I wish I had my suitcase with me and I was going somewhere nice .
15 cos at the weekend I did really well cos I got a couple done at youth club and a couple done at work I thought , yeah , I was doing really well but Monday I forgot to bring the spare batteries which was a bit divvy of me and I was gon na record it all during sewing Tuesday I went to placement
16 If it 'd been me and I were gon na put it there , I would have put a window there to look out of .
17 I pretend Marie 's in front of me and I 'm brushing her hair like I used to .
18 And you do n't realize that you are lost , and not only that , but you are griping when those who realize their condition call out to me and I 'm reaching to them and rescuing them , you are griping at that !
19 ‘ She found me and I 'm having trouble getting rid of her . ’
20 The only qualification is that Jesus Christ has saved me and I 'm following him and I belong to him .
21 You 're gon na shoot me and I 'm gon na be dead .
22 What that sentence really said to the audience and viewers was : ‘ It 's people who matter to me and I 'm going to take care of my fellow Americans real well . ’
23 next time he waves to me and I 'm going up town I 'll be
24 She hardly noticed me but I was fascinated by her .
25 But erm this might not believe me but I 'm gon na tell you just the same .
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