Example sentences of "me [adv prt] [conj] [vb base] i " in BNC.

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1 S'pose they take me down an' put me in a line-up .
2 She was a kind woman and whenever I called with a message she would sit me down and fetch me a biscuit or a glass of milk .
3 Put me down and join me there . ’
4 If I look up to the blue sky , as yet I must when it is blue and bright suddenly , it is in spite of the heavy limb and relaxing back that will drag me down or cause me to hasten home .
5 Or you , bring me over and introduce me .
6 The title of Tie Me Up and Bind Me Robin was derived from a quote from Maid Marion in the wholly innocent 1955 series Robin Hood .
7 I thought back over all the good times — all the laughs we had shared — and all the wonderful things they had done to try to build me up and keep me going .
8 I thought the part that , you know , she forgot it er well I know she did n't forget it , she just did it on purpose , but three days after my birthday it 's her wee brother 's first birthday and she had , she had the nerve to ring me up and invite me to her brother 's first birthday party accept and go up there with a present and a card and all and she could n't even have rang me up to say happy birthday So I have n't
9 Mrs Mrs rang me up and ask me about the one
10 They 're gon na phone me up and tell me when it 's so
11 Tip me up and pour me out ( bend at the waist in a tipping motion )
12 Bernie said my sciatica would play me up and rule me out .
13 ‘ If I find favour in the eyes of the Lord , he will bring me back and let me see both it and his habitation ; but if he says , ‘ I have no pleasure in you , ’ behold , here I am , let him do to me what seems good to him' ( 2 Sam .
14 While I ca n't say I actually enjoyed the experience — as usual , two shirts flaked me out and put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day — I did find the whole process a whole lot easier on the nerves than throwing a glass of water across a shirt in the hope that somehow the creases , along with the water , would eventually evaporate .
15 I once worked in the shopfloor in a factory , putting cream on to cream cakes , when I finished college , and they took me out and put me in the lab even though I did n't have any science degree , and I was in the labs for three months .
16 ‘ Take me out and shoot me down like a dog , old buddy , I was forgetting .
17 Bodo said he 'd take me out and loan me one of his boards .
18 We hardly shared any interests and as time went on , she started to boss me around and tell me what was right to buy and what was wrong .
19 ‘ Who are you , John Durbeyfield , to order me about and call me ‘ boy ’ ?
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