Example sentences of "me [conj] i was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yet he , the archer , might have gone back there to check again after all and if he had he would know I was alive , but he would never find me where I was now , deep in impenetrable shadow along a path he could n't follow in the dark .
2 I am convinced that only my genuinely clear conscience let me convince the adults around me that I was totally innocent .
3 My mother came up to London the very next day and told me that I was never to go home again , I was never to contact Sarah again and , above all , I was never , ever to see John again .
4 Ellen had once assured me that I was only happy because I did not think too deeply , and probably she was right , but it is still that shallow contentment which makes people bring me their troubles just as the senator was now bringing me his two children .
5 and they told me that I was too late , the school told me too late
6 It was the smell as much as the taste which convinced me that I was still Joe Bodenland , and still destined to struggle on among the living .
7 It was n't until the final two weeks of term that it really hit me that I was actually going to have to go .
8 It would have been easy to claim some other appointment , or a practice session with Jack , but the situation intrigued me and I was particularly happy at the thought of pulling a fast one over the shrewd and imperturbable Inspector Drew .
9 The stadium was a new showpiece for the Greeks , but it was vast and awe-inspiring to me and I was totally overcome by the occasion .
10 ‘ I was looking at a muzzle shooting at me and I was quite content .
11 He gave others the opportunity to pass me and I was really upset .
12 She did n't say anything to me and I was too scared to speak in case she started on me , but her mood changed in a flash when Mary came down , and she was all smiles .
13 Nobody asked me if I was there , and it would do my career no good at all to have my name mentioned in a murder case .
14 Some time later a man came along the path and stopped to ask me if I was all right , I told him yes and to please go away , which he did but I thought he 'll go to fetch help so I 'd better do it now .
15 I also used to help him with his drink and biscuit and he would always drop his soggy biscuit over me but I was ever so sad when I finished going to the Mother and toddler group as that was my favourite part of the week .
16 He was n't exactly nasty to me but I was only sixteen and I had n't done many interviews , and I was nervous .
17 I was worried that she 'd go off with someone else because she was so pretty and she thought the same about me because I was away from home so much .
18 I have n't got the bottle with me because I was away .
19 The baby was quite big for me because I was so small .
20 And by the end of about a month , the guy I was assigned to work with refused to work with me because I was always cracking jokes — he said ‘ I 'm not going to work with you , if you crack one more joke I 'm going to the supervisor . ’
21 ‘ The other kids at school thought I was a real wimp but they accepted me because I was always cheeky to the teachers .
22 I mean really I er it shook me because I was extremely naive , I 'd had two children but I was very very naive in those days .
23 ‘ I bought her those the day before she died , so 's she 'd think of me while I was away . ’
24 I bear you no ill will , for well I found the tables entirely turned upon me , and that I was in far ore danger from you than you were from me for I was just upon resolving to defy all the censures of the world and to make you publicly and openly my wife . "
25 It was pretty good for him to be noticed by me as I was far more impressed with WBA than Wolves — no wonder they signed Geoff Thomas , they play more long balls than C Palace !
26 Three sons I had given him , and still he did not love me as I was so desperate to be loved .
27 If you have already thought up a sensible solution to my problems , that puts you one up on me as I was then , because I was completely flummoxed by the whole thing .
28 And on this , one of the very best days of my life , I thought about my grandmother and how she had loved and cared for me when I was very young in Jamaica .
29 In the Congo he had hunted big game for the first time and in Abyssinia he took every opportunity to do so , and conveyed his enthusiasm to me when I was only a small boy .
30 My mum used to take me when I was really little .
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