Example sentences of "me [conj] the [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not used to coming from this direction so just remind me where the turning is .
2 It seems to me that the problem is coming from the front off side spring settling 15mm more than the rear-Being someone who hates anything that 's not as it should be , it is driving me crackers .
3 It seems to me that the foot is in the other boot , so to speak . ’
4 I met the key officials from the Department of the Environment earlier this week and who told me that the Government is preparing to circulate a consultation paper on the National Sustainability Plan in mid June .
5 Because of disquiet among ordinary members there , George Devlin , Vice-Chairman of the company , says that they wish to retain the atmosphere of a private members ' club , while delightful Chairman Michael Broke , told me that the plan is to raise standards even higher .
6 In a case involving a brutal sexual assault by a guardsman , Slynn J. stated : ‘ It does not seem to me that the appellant is a criminal in the sense in which that word is used frequently in these courts .
7 The rest of the specifications are in the specifications box — extract from them what is of interest to you , but take it from me that the machine is as well specified as any at this price .
8 It just seems to me that the film is running backwards .
9 If anyone is currently fighting a case such as this , I would also be pleased to hear from them as it does seem to me that the Revenue is using its muscle to try to remove one of the benefits of independent taxation .
10 LORD DENMAN C.J. : It seems to me that the declaration is well enough .
11 In any case the idea of such a thing between me and the lieutenant is quite absurd .
12 He feels very warm behind me and the smell is even stronger .
13 Finding the balance between me and the system is well-nigh impossible .
14 ‘ Derry City and Roy Coyle have been very fair to me and the knee is no problem now . ’
15 The topmost foliage is taller than me and the growth is so dense I can not be seen from the lawn as I dig into the muddy trench which forms an oasis round the stem .
16 ‘ She 's still cross with me and the atmosphere is quite unpleasant , so I asked Iris if I could join you .
17 " Forgive me if the question is an impertinence . "
18 The chair looks better to me if the seat is wider at the front than at the back , but the front of the seat should only be slightly wider than the top of the back .
19 She can tell me if the funeral is local or private .
20 gets me cos the church is n't central .
21 Run ! at me but the message is n't getting through , there 's something else in the way , something else pulling me back , back to Andy and back to that frozen river bank ; I hear Andy crying out and I can still see him reaching towards me and he 's about to slip away from me again and I ca n't do anything … but I can , this time I can ; I can do something and I will .
22 Blame me because the world is n't perfect , ’ Moran complained equally bitterly .
23 A Tory MP asks me whether the story is true about the UK training troops in secret bases in Thailand to fight alongside Pol Pot 's Khmer Rouge .
24 Could you tell me whether the problem is down to the type of speakers employed — maybe producing too soft a sound wave with little strength of travel — and whether I would get better projection through a standard model 1960 Marshall cabinet rated at 300 watts RMS ?
25 And as true to me as the day is long . "
26 You can give it to me when the time is right . ’
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