Example sentences of "me [conj] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 . She said when she comes to kiss me good goodnight I let her kiss here but she said I ca n't have her cuddling me or she said I think of him all the time .
2 The cops saw me where they thought I should n't be , so they got curious .
3 He 'd like the power and he 'd like knowing he had me where he wanted me .
4 But Bob said to me where I bought it from , he said I do n't think it would survive the winter because it comes from the Scilly Isles which is warmer .
5 ‘ Was she lying , then , ’ Miss Honey said , ‘ when she told me that nobody taught her to multiply or to read ?
6 And it surprises me that they took him into the Force , 'cos he 's made no secret of it an' you know yourself how they 're thought about . ’
7 Although the ministers were too polite to commit themselves , even when I pressed them on this point , it was clear to me that they felt they , and their church , had been used .
8 It does n't surprise me that they did it .
9 The extreme condition of this is for someone to tell me that they loved me — few ever did — or to thank me .
10 ‘ It seems to me that everyone thinks he 's ill merely because he is less rude and rather more bearable than he has been in the past , ’ the head said irritably .
11 THE WORLD HAS stopped making sense again , and Odilo forgets everything again ( which is probably just as well ) , and the war is over now ( and it seems pretty clear to me that we lost it ) , and life goes on for a little while .
12 You were standing by the boat , demanding that I let you on board , and I felt such a raw , aching need lance through me that it shocked me .
13 Whenever I have met him since , he has invariably reminded me that I taught him about the business !
14 Mummy said to me , mummy said to me that I wash him .
15 I I th I 'm quite sure that you can go through that because you 're recognizing the patterns much more now , you 're accepting more things as , Oh yeah , you do n't need to tell me that I know it .
16 He maintained his interest until the end , bequeathing to Christ 's Hospital £20 ‘ which they owe me that I lent them ’ , with an additional £6 13s. 4d. , besides £20 each to St Bartholomew 's and St Thomas 's .
17 I 'll get you so you wo n't even recognise your own body but after we 've done it you 'll be grateful to me that I made you do it and you 'll enjoy it and you 'll get better at it and one day you 'll thank me for doing this to you .
18 erm it seemed so disappointing to me that I mean we go to the bother of producing what a fifty odd page telephone directory and people do n't even look at it
19 What I liked about this letter was the phrase ‘ if you tell me that I have it ’ .
20 Cos they keep telling cos I owe them so many hours they keep coming up to me and telling me that I owe them so many hours , you signed the contract saying you 've got whatever happens .
21 My conscience tells me that I owe it to God to be grateful to my father , who has spent his time unwearyingly upon my education , so that I may lighten his burden , look after myself and later on be able to support my sister …
22 ‘ Because you 've explained your husband 's ideas so well to me that I accept them !
23 Deborah is confident and outspoken and had mentioned to me that she felt her sense of herself as ‘ not bad-looking ’ , and her lack of any real anxieties about her weight or body was largely due to her mother .
24 She told me that she felt she could do this , and proceeded to do so .
25 When I probed a bit , rather reluctantly she told me that she understood he 'd had an ‘ illness ’ , and was a regular out-patient at a local hospital . ’
26 It occurred to me that she knew you were a Gemini , and she was clearly thrilled about us getting together . ’
27 I prayed that she would intercede for us , and show us her grace , and it came to me that she heard me , and that she willed to do us good .
28 And do n't forget , Joe was with me , and you know how careful he is. lee was at the party and one of the maids told me that she took him out of the party and spoke to him for a few minutes .
29 ( One of the teachers whom I interviewed , and who did not comment on this question , has since told me that she used it with a class .
30 It pleases me that she called me my darling and not my little prodigy as she once did ; this is the best sign yet that I am winning her back .
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