Example sentences of "other [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Right so that 's oh these are some erm designs for erm scarves and erm other accessories produced in the utility room .
2 Why do some authorities make greater provision for pupils with special needs than other authorities faced with the same Problems ? ’
3 The RUC urged the public to be on the alert in case other bombs got through the sorting system .
4 PS : CorelDRAW is n't a DTP package and there were five other products covered in the review .
5 With respect to the other products covered by the agreement , the Commission considered that no competition issues have arisen and the Commission adopted a decision allowing the proposed concentration with respect to these aspects of the transactions .
6 Enquiries at Enterprise Agencies suggest that many people wishing to set up businesses are doing so with redundancy money or for other reasons connected with the difficulty of finding employment and their first need is to find a suitable idea .
7 Some 17,000 in all assembled at Wark in Northumberland , and on their way into Scotland were joined by contingents supporting the Comyns or for other reasons opposed to the rule of Bruce .
8 Other reasons advanced for the literal rule may be briefly answered .
9 Continuing disturbances in Algiers and other cities met with a further military crackdown on June 30-July 2 .
10 Other artists featured from the group are Charles Landseer , Francis Feeble and G. A. Storey .
11 Léger was certainly more in sympathy with Futurism than most of the other artists associated with the Cubist movement .
12 Other roads affected by the resurfacing scheme include a short section of the A1 and the A167 at Chilton and Thinford in County Durham .
13 It now seems unlikely that this was any more of a prehistoric trackway than other roads depicted on the map .
14 Relevant European institutions are banks , building societies or other institutions incorporated in a Member State of the EC outside the UK , which are taking advantage of the European passport granted under the EC 's Second Banking Directive .
15 Other programmes outlined in the 1977 statement were less directly concerned with development .
16 Sales tax on new cars would be reduced from 20 per cent to 15 per cent to stimulate demand ( Nissan having closed its Australian operations earlier in the month ) , and special assistance was announced for other groups affected by the recession , including wool and wheat farmers and the textile industry .
17 While one group was involved in this , other groups continued with the previous week 's general research .
18 The challenge to this interpretation comes from the performance of the two other groups shown in the figure .
19 Other coins made from the same different die can often be found , thus establishing a chain of die links between objects which might otherwise display no close similarities .
20 The selected procedure then obtains any other inputs required by the chosen PI option and calls the delivered PI routine .
21 Some of the other cops gathered round the air shaft are wearing knowing looks .
22 ( Any other inventions made by the professor in the course of his employment will be deemed to fall within the provisions of Section 39(2) of the Patents Act 1977 , i.e. will be taken to belong to him . )
23 Whether it be for family , friends or just for the occasion , appearance on the parade is viewed as a token for all the other skills learnt during the nineteen weeks of basic training .
24 Plans by the Spanish government to irrigate large areas of steppe plain , with the aid of EC funding , are threatening the last European stronghold of the great bustard , together with 14 other birds protected by the EC Wild Birds directive .
25 Back in the kitchen , Carolyn gave Annie a saucer of currants to eat ( she ate them so beautifully , one by one , held painstakingly pincered between thumb and index finger , her other fingers cocked like a tea-sipping lady ) and carried on with the food .
26 Other projects covered by the funding package include improvements to streets , buildings and the general landscape and crime prevention initiatives .
27 The districts of such courts are attached for the purpose of bankruptcy jurisdiction to other courts specified in the Civil Courts Order 1983 as amended ( St 1983 No 713 ) .
28 They claimed that the ASEAN states which initiated the Zone plan intended it also to embrace other states located in the region .
29 Other employers referred to the advantages of employing search consultants for particularly sensitive appointments ; obviously a personnel director could not be expected to try and find his or her successor .
30 Other proposals made in the Vusela-2 report were the expansion of both houses of parliament , with the House of Assembly increasing from 40 to 50 elective members , and the Senate from 10 to 20 members .
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