Example sentences of "other [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 In Northern Ireland ‘ The Thing ’ eventually unchained some of the other phenomena that we have been discussing here , which are inherently separate : endemic hooliganism ; the breakthrough of the use of the firearm ; and the infinite potential for blocking the formation of antibodies , for blocking the natural reaction of a society to violence , which exists in a divided community .
2 More recently , these hidebound attitudes have changed , in that educated , intelligent Christians accept that there is little need for God to perform a miracle ( unless , moving in mysterious ways , He particularly wants to ) when He can create the same effect using natural processes ; while scientists have begun more and more to recognize that there may be more truth in the mystical writings of the Christian and other religions than they have previously been prepared to admit .
3 ‘ We have always tried to co-operate with other clubs when they have wanted to switch games and would like them to do the same for us . ’
4 If at any stage in the discussions on Monday , or in all the other discussions that I have attended in the past two years , it had been a question of majority vote , there would have been much less agreement , and to the extent that decisions had been imposed by a majority , they would have been much less effective .
5 Relative to the other opportunities that I have had to speak on such occasions , however , this is a lower grade privilege because the Bill has been extremely boring .
6 Persian rugs still possess an undoubted mystique , and are generally more expensive than those from other countries , but price differentials have been steadily eroding , and they are now generally cheaper in comparison to rugs from other countries than they have been for decades .
7 These developments appear very similar to those experienced in the USA and a number of other countries where they have been variously termed ‘ counterurbanization ’ , ‘ the rural population turnaround ’ and ‘ the rural renaissance ’ ( see Fielding , 1986 , for a review ) .
8 Where I have a little concern and that 's only 'cos I do n't know the of all of it , is that you are picking up , yes very minor non-conformances but in practice fairly large numbers in a fairly short time scale what I would be concerned about is when you get your B S I audit that these other areas that you have n't looked at have got equally this lack of attention to detail , that you end up with not only major break down in your system , but sufficient minor breakdowns in your system , to cause them to say that they wo n't give you registration .
9 Takamine 's experience in this field alone would recommend the EN 40C to many , although it must be said that Lowden , Ovation , Washburn and many other acoustics that we have reviewed in these pages recently provide stiff competition .
10 I think this argument 's about the benefit of the countryside is somewhat debatable to say the least And these arguments that are put about why we should n't ban fox hunts because of all the benefits and the tradition are exactly the same arguments that were put about otters and about badgers and about other sports that we have , that we no longer consider satisfactory and have opposed .
11 have they got the , the other pies that we have , this is it how about one with ham in it ?
12 It means the whole sale change of forms and colours and it must reduce the range of other colours that we have for other forms , do n't necessarily go into those wallets .
13 Please use one of the other catalogues if you have to look up the title or author of a book …
14 That will not be easy because most of them are heavily involved in funding of all sorts of other organisations and they have their own interests .
15 Although the citizens charter and the charter mark are an excellent extension of the other reforms that we have introduced to make local government more efficient and responsive to the people it represents , the work and commitment of the Audit Commission are our best guarantee that that money will be well spent .
16 ‘ It did n't distress or alarm me in any way , certainly not as much as many other things that I have seen that have earned certificates ’ .
17 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
18 The opportunity cost of something is measured as the sum of all the other things that you have to forgo in order to have that something .
19 I have been told by many other breeders that they have experienced a similar thing in their own kennels and so we can assume that the pecking order is not always maintained through physical strength .
20 One of his chapters is entitled ‘ The Beat as an Obstacle Race ’ , which is a good way of thinking about it since the obstacles to your progress are the numerous areas of dirty wind provided by other sails and you have to do your utmost to avoid them .
21 It would be inequitable to those who take a contrary view to that of the hon. Gentleman if I were to see him exceptionally , in addition to all the other representations that I have received from him , now that the consultation period is over and I am reaching a conclusion on the matter .
22 The information required will be — the full names of the ceased person , and any other names that they have been known by , including the maiden surname of a woman who has been married ; their date and place of birth ; their recent occupation , and their husband 's full name and occupation , if the person who has died was a married woman .
23 There are lots of other ways that they have found of doing it .
24 These will lead to other moves and I have quite positive hopes for what that will bring us in terms of focus and , again , costs .
25 ‘ And as for the idea that I am being some how manipulated all I can say is that I do n't know about the other girls but I have been in a similar industry — television , for the last couple of years and now I know how it works .
26 The needs of knitwear design software in this respect are fairly small — most need only about half a megabyte of RAM — some other programs that I have used need two megabytes , or four times as much memory .
27 ( This can fail for other languages if they have more general forms of recursion : one can have distinct pieces of syntax unc and unc such that unc and
28 Wimpey has regular meetings with senior officials from the Treasury and other departments and we have every expectation that the Government will provide the commercial support necessary to make such projects financially viable .
29 Apart from working on its ambitious equality programme , the Race Relations Committee has dealt with other issues as they have arisen throughout the year .
30 I do not suggest that these measures alone will revolutionise training in Britain , but , taken in conjunction with other measures that we have taken , the considerable progress made by the training and enterprise councils , together with Investors in People and our national record of achievement , we are certainly well on the way to completing a transformation of attitudes to training in Britain .
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