Example sentences of "other [adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Seton , Ramsay and the other Scots leaders did their considering .
2 The hon. Member for Edinburgh , Central and a number of other hon. Members asked me why so many have had exceptional leave to remain , as only 24 per cent .
3 The other old nomes watched her in horrified silence .
4 It was here that the Hintons and other British families had their summer houses .
5 These researchers soon went beyond this narrow brief , and their study of the Bible and various other historical sources led them to formulate many of the theories which were later embodied in the royal supremacy .
6 A few dozen Jacobean and Georgian coppers came to light , a fair quantity of musket balls , and the other hammered coins illustrated which were all discovered in this one section .
7 If employees , consumers , and other corporate victims had their awareness sharpened and supported by trade unionism , consumerism , and environmentalism , and if the state and legal institutions could be shamed into closing the gap between lofty principles and tawdry practices , then some of these old ideas could be put into effective operation .
8 I think not as four other unsolicited accounts verified my experience .
9 With equal ease and sympathy he penetrated into that maze of Roman rules , conventions and unexpected reactions in which many other Hellenistic politicians lost their way .
10 Lord Halifax and the other grand residents got us booted out at last .
11 In both directions — south towards the Grand Parade and Patrick Street , and north to the quays — other horse-drawn vehicles threaded their way , wheels screaming , drivers cursing and cracking whips , the while throngs of Friday shoppers darted from one side of the unpaved road to the other , dodging between carts and traps and under horses ' necks as if they were n't there at all .
12 Which other Italian conductors did you admire ?
13 Other angry motorists blew their horns and flashed rude two-finger salutes when they finally managed to overtake him .
14 Other legislative changes produced their own effects .
15 Then other living organisms provided them with further opportunities , and through symbiosis ( a mutually-dependent state of living together ) they created , finally , animals .
16 His footsteps seemed unusually loud on the cobblestones , setting up a confusion of echoes from the brick walls so that he had the eerie sensation that he was not alone , and that other solitary walkers surrounded him .
17 Even worse , all the other unspeakable villains wanted it too .
18 Profitability in the main business rose further and Sanderson Kayser and other special steels held their ground .
19 Other senior men took their personal assistants with them when changing jobs .
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