Example sentences of "other [noun] and [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 erm they have not in the past proved themselves to be the most capable o of people to er to support these things so in conclusion I 'd say that we must put this as part of a shopping list , the shopping list is on there er it is something to bring London and the South East of England which includes Hertfordshire and to make it an economic and viable area and look at the evidence of the other cities and I hope that er all of you will support the motion .
2 Is there anything else that you learned thinking of the exercise now listening when you put the shoe on the other foot and you have to stick to .
3 The other trainers and I look forward to seeing you on 22nd September .
4 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
5 You could say well , Jackie took this and you got one leg on this table shorter than the other legs and we 've jammed it under there levels the table up .
6 But I have n't had anything on the other piece and I want something on .
7 They pop up and over it , and when they land on the other side and they slow down a bit .
8 Jesus had had many interviews with people , we 've looked at some of them over these past few weeks , the time when he met with Nicademus , the religious leader , the time he went out of his way to meet with a woman of Semaria in her dyer need , the other occasion that we looked at er a week or so back when he called Anzakias from that tree of which he was hiding , last week his judge , pilot , but of all those interviews and as many others that we have n't looked at this surely must be one of the strangest as Jesus himself is in the process of dying and as he is dying he is confronted with another person who has a need , but Jesus your need is as greatest as any body elses , your pain , your suffering , your physical suffering was every bit of great as those around you , why be bothered with others is n't that so often our story , when we are in need we can forget all about other people , it does n't matter there need , its poor me , what about me , what about my need , what about my requirements , what about my suffering , but we see here how Jesus apart from any thing else deals with his own suffering , he deals with it by ministering to the needs of other people , and this surely then must be one of the most strange and one of the most interviews that our lord ever had when he was here on earth , with this dying thief , but he was more than a thief he was a er , he was a re a rebel , he was a terrorist or a freedom fighter depending on which way you wanted to look at it and he was dying for his crimes and he was n't alone because there there was this man we 've been talking about , there was Jesus and there was another one , another criminal on the other side and we find that this is all in keeping with what god had promised , all there in , in line with his prophecy way back in Iziah chapter fifty three , it tells us that he was numbered with the transgressors , that he died with sinful men with , with law breakers and here it is its happening right in front of the , the very eyes of the Jewish leaders and the jewish authorities our lords intention in coming into the world was to save men and women , to seek out and to save sinners , remember thirty odd years previous to this event the word had come , for Mary his mother , to Joseph , we will call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins and later on writing to Timothy the apostle Paul in the first chapter of the first book in verse fifteen he says it is a trust worthy statement deserving full acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners , this was his purpose , this was his reason for coming into the world , not to be a good man , not to be a , a great leader , not to give us some model that we can , you know , that we can plan our life out and try and live up to his standards , he says I 've come to give my life as a ransom , I have come to save and to seek that which was lost and here in this incident as he himself is dying and is in physical pain and torment he is carrying out this very work , of seeking out and saving of those who will turn to him , those who will put their trust in him , he is saving the lost , and we see in a wonderful how great the compassion of Jesus was and is , in reaching out and rescuing those who are lost , here we see our lord suffering the most terrible agony and yet in the midst of his own sorrow and pain and , and torment he thinks of this dying thief and extends his grace and mercy to him .
9 When I meet women from other countries and they talk about Western feminism and Third World feminism , I did n't see it that way at all I was looking for a political party and I found that I could n't find any which suited my political beliefs and a party that combined Third World and British issues .
10 So I 've spent my recent years sort of learning about movements , about emerging feminisms in other countries and I suppose contributed my bit in imparting that information .
11 and the other girl and they go to this very chichi Chinese restaurant and when they walk in the manager of the restaurant recognizes his father who is obviously a very important man in China before the revolution and he goes over , chats so in honour of the Mr Moo Bing , you know
12 It will house a nucleus family of gorillas in its other half and we hope to be able to start a breeding programme and also to collect funds for and publicise the Digit Fund , set up to conserve gorillas in the wild .
13 The elitists offer us explanations less ambitious than either of the grand theories , explanations which borrow unashamedly from other conventions and which have obvious gaps and limitations .
14 That will not be easy because most of them are heavily involved in funding of all sorts of other organisations and they have their own interests .
15 it 's cos he went up mum 's the other day and they 've all got it but I do n't like
16 But like , I mean I do n't mind the blood or whatever , and if they were doing little things , I could handle it , but like , like on that op , operation that woman was having the other day and they cut her open and they just pulled
17 But like I mean , I do n't mind the blood or whatever , and if they were doing little things I could handle it but like , like on that op op , operation that woman was having the other day and they cut her open and they just pulled .
18 I killed a few rabbits the other day and I keep getting weird phone calls from Eric , but that 's about all .
19 Well I bought , I bought three custards the other day and I think they were about fifty three pence .
20 I was talking about it the other day and you go and it all comes , it hurts and , and it comes out and you ca n't even hold it down either cos it just comes in your mouth dribbles out the side .
21 sometimes there are odd days in the vac when we do other things and we shut , you
22 After spending some time , often years , with us , people move on to other things and we need to fill the gaps . ’
23 I really I really do wish it was that simple and I wish that when I pick up The Star on a Thursday or one of the other local papers that I did n't read in it the twenty cars that 's broken into and and all the other problems and I say to myself now why did that happen .
24 But with the other companies that have been established , and all water companies have done the same , the way to increase profits is to go into er a business which you 're in competition with other businesses and you stand or fail as to how well you do on that .
25 I know s I 've chatted to some other people and they 've said the same so you 're not alone .
26 when we erm , er when we were doing those projects we erm , we had a comments book and more , more people were in favour of them and saw them as an improvement to the town and so it needs something that 's really interesting actually , it 's er , erm the work 's department have said , as a result of those graffiti projects they can shift two officer 's from the graffiti team to the highway 's team , so it 's actually cut down on the work of actually clearing up unwanted graffiti , so it 's had a positive effect , so we , we 've got these two people work with the other people and we 've got Dorothy who 's working with , with black people and ethnic minorities in the town and erm for people who were here when this presentation was last given , er Robin who used to be in the local The Policy Team of the Local Government Unit is now actually a Community Development Officer , one of the decision 's , Robin use to do video work for the Authority erm , and we decided we asset whether the the need for that kind of , k ind of work to continue , and we thought on balance not erm and he now is running the music rehearsal space over at Latton Bush , that again is a project for young people , to enable , it 's a place where band 's can practice and that 's the problem in Harlow erm and er that 's really exciting project because it 's bringing in a lot of income for the Council as as well as providing the service that people want and , and it , I mean it is important at this time that we are doing limited projects where we are bringing in income , cos at , you know we estimate that erm we can get that erm rehearsal space properly resource , that project could be self financing , so your providing a service but your also getting paid , your getting paid for as well , so erm that is who we are now and were er , where were located , we have an open door policy as people will know .
27 I have n't been so much involved in it as perhaps some other people and I do n't pretend to be an expert .
28 You other people and you 've obviously got time to start preparing your thoughts .
29 I think that the riders for health project has given us ah a model that can be used in a great many other situations and we 've found here in Lesotho that many other ministries and government departments are interested in what we 're doing because the motorcycles , if used properly , can provide a very cost effective form of transport .
30 One of his chapters is entitled ‘ The Beat as an Obstacle Race ’ , which is a good way of thinking about it since the obstacles to your progress are the numerous areas of dirty wind provided by other sails and you have to do your utmost to avoid them .
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