Example sentences of "did n't know [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't ‘ phone the police because I did n't know where to sent them .
2 Because we did n't know where in the brain any changes might occur , or very much about chick brain anatomy ( nor , it should be said , did anyone else at the time ) , we divided the forebrain arbitrarily into two regions which we called simply ‘ roof ’ and ‘ base ’ .
3 I did n't know enough about the subject to be able to query it .
4 It was Susy who took up most of the lunchtime conversation , partly because I probably did n't know enough about the sport to talk about it sensibly to James .
5 Many of these people were genuinely concerned about development pressures but did n't know enough about CPRW to be attract to join .
6 I did n't know enough about any of the personalities concerned to form any views of my own .
7 The views of the tutors at the agricultural college were n't necessarily the same as the stern-looking old man 's , and he did n't know enough about anything to enter into an argument .
8 Noreen did n't know whether the older woman did n't want to continue , or did n't know how to .
9 And , in addition to having to keep his clothes clean , his body was often too bruised and painful to play apart from the fact that he did n't know how to .
10 She wanted to make amends but did n't know how to .
11 His sons said later that he did n't know how to . ’
12 Well I 'd never seen a monit she did n't know how to .
13 A drink was thrust into her hand and within five minutes she was being passed from group to group as though she were the prize exhibit ; asked numerous questions she did n't know how to or have time to answer ; told endless tales of this person or that person ; until eventually , somewhat bewildered , she ended up in the bar with someone called Patrick who began regaling her with tales of old Ireland .
14 I did n't want to stay at home I wanted to get back into education and I did n't know how to the easiest way I suppose .
15 And Pa Pat I do n't think I do n't hold out any hope at all that people will pay any attention they will go they 'll see a little puppy somewhere they 'll say , Oh that 's lovely we 'll buy that for Tommy er , and then Tommy will abuse it totally and er they 'll say , Well the dog was a a waste of time it did n't work properly and er did n't know how to er how to look after itself .
16 She did n't know how to be light .
17 Yeah , well , she did n't know how to .
18 The holy spirit gives us a new prospective on life and it , it , it deepens our relationship with God , we do n't have to try and make , make a success of our new Christian life by ourselves , you know it does n't matter whether you 've been a Christian for a week , for a day , for twenty , for fifty years , if you try to do it one day by yourself you are guaranteed failure , there is no way you can do it , it does n't matter how long you 've been a Christian or how short a period , you can not do it , if the great apostle Paul , he could , he said I can do nothing of myself he said I am not sufficient , for all my learning , for all the wonderful visions I 've had , for the knowledge that God has given to me , that I 've been able to write these great apostle 's , he says that I can not do it myself , I ca n't live this Christian life myself and the tremendous thing that none of us , no matter who we are , we do not have to try to make a success of our Christian life on our own , it 's a partnership and God is the senior partner in it , he does n't expect us to do it by ourselves , listen to what the , the , that , the same apostle Paul says when he 's writing to the , the Gelation Christians , in , in chapter two , verse twenty , listen to what he says there , he says I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I know live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and delivered himself for me , he said I do n't do it by myself , why not , very simply cos he ca n't , he did n't know how to , he did n't have the power to do it he says but the life I 'm living , I live by the power of Christ who died for me , who gave himself for me and who now lives in me now by the holy spirit
19 Maureen did n't know anywhere near the whole story …
20 I said , oh perhaps they could come up to us you know , I did n't know quite at the moment what our plans were for over the weekend .
22 So we have to assess the current state and if we did n't know then in our particular example , cos if we had n't made the room numbers had been done .
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