Example sentences of "did not [verb] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It struck Hoomey then that Nails did not want to go home , even — possibly — that he wanted company .
2 But shortly before the general election , local authorities throughout Britain were told they did not have to go ahead and that a second period of consultation was to be held .
3 I did not wish to go straight home .
4 She walked to the shops and back , sometimes walked through the back streets , once almost as far as Marcus 's flat ( but did not dare to go near it ) , avoiding the noisy King 's Road , and the embankment where Jack often walked with Alison , and as she knew , farther east where Ludens walked with Marcus .
5 But Carrington did not get to go there , and secrecy was high , with many rumours but few facts .
6 She did not remember going home .
7 They did n't bother going any further .
8 She wanted to go and yet did n't want to go both at once .
9 He let her hold the steering wheel , but she did n't want to go again .
10 I liked it at home and did n't want to go away .
11 But that Sat Sunday when Hazel was here and I , and she did n't want to go so I said I 'd stay with her and cook the dinner when y when you came back you said it 's a good job you did n't come , it did n't finish till half past twelve and you came straight home and you were here about
12 So , if she did n't want to go anywhere , and she frequently did n't , she ran backwards ; even if it was straight into a prickly bush or a stinging cane .
13 In fact , she did n't want to go anywhere unless he came with her .
14 She nervously decided that she did n't want to go any further .
15 But Jay did n't want to go home for three , what , four hours to mope over Lucy , alone ?
16 The thought occurred to me that if he had it would mean our staying on at Claro , and I did n't want to go home anyway .
17 Did n't want to go home , and he took them both for a walk .
18 I told you I did n't want to go there . ’
19 We went about a mile before they tired of the effort involved , and I did n't mean to go much further in any case because according to the map I had in my pocket we were by then in about the centre of the western spur of the Quillersedge woods .
20 ‘ Everyone was watching me but I knew I did n't need to go fast .
21 I mean he did n't need to go anywhere .
22 I was showing off because I did n't have to go there any more .
23 So you did n't have to go there or be there at a certain time .
24 She did n't have to go too and be grilled .
25 Yeah , it was erm you did n't have to go that far out but they ha they owned a bit of land and stuff
26 They did n't have to go anywhere .
27 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
28 ‘ I did n't have to go then .
29 ‘ I wish you did n't have to go home . ’
30 Oh we used to shake our hands , we did n't use to go home complaining .
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