Example sentences of "more and [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They passed the greengrocer with his window full of apples and oranges , and the butcher with bloody lumps of meat on display and naked chickens hanging up , and the small bank , and the grocery store and the electrical shop , and then they came out at the other side of the village on to the narrow country road where there were no people any more and very few motor-cars .
2 Abolitionists marked their respect for their heroes in both more and less personal forms .
3 More and more professional firms are bound by slower cash flow and increasing debt and there is a need to tighten control and increase efficiency .
4 Later , when the development of ferro-alloys made new minerals necessary , tungsten , chrome , manganese and bauxite could be found in Europe , although more and more rare metals had to be imported .
5 In so far as this involves finding more and more ingenious ways of keeping as many people as possible away from unspoilt parts of rural England , there is common ground between some visitors to the countryside and many of those who live and work there .
6 I loved working with Dana , and yet as time went by and we produced more and more collaborative poems I began to long to get my own poetic and personal identities back .
7 But despite the hassles more and more western bands try to carry it off .
8 More and more Anglican bishops broke ranks before the next Lambeth Conference in 1930 , which emphasized motives rather than method and gave grudging acceptance to ‘ other methods ’ than abstinence , noting that Church opposition was rooted in tradition not in Scripture .
9 As Charles II 's reign progressed , more and more Anglican theologians turned their backs on the rigid predestinarian Calvinism so prevalent in the pre-1660 period in favour of a modified version of the Arminian position on salvation .
10 But at last things are falling into place ; there are a greater number of tournaments now available in Britain for our players to compete in ; there are more and more indoor facilities and our coaches are trying their hardest to breathe life back into the game .
11 Nigel ran through more and more young girls .
12 But as our studies continue , more and more concealed breaks become apparent , such as the remarkable situation in the jurassic limestones of western Sicily , where several stages are packed away into thin solution pipes in what otherwise look like unbroken limestone sequences ( figure 3.1 ) .
13 As the weeks had gone by the other girl had dropped more and more blatant hints about the fact that she was having an affair with her employer .
14 More and more Dark Elves flowed in from Naggaroth .
15 If this view is correct , I can only conclude that I was saddled with both sets of anxieties and , in addition , that there are more and more adolescent girls today who are finding themselves in the same position .
16 Nonetheless this method was not highly successful , and over the centuries more and more heroic practices were introduced in an effort to combat disease .
17 More and more self-build projects are taking off all over the NorthEast and Mr Edwards said clear guidelines had to be laid down .
18 However more and more married women have entered the waged labour force : for a significant proportion of these women , their wages are vital to prevent their families from sliding into poverty .
19 It would seem that whenever one begins to explore new territory , more and more inviting vistas open up before one , and more and more interesting and possibly beneficial treatments come one 's way .
20 In the last few days before the coup , Mossadeq assumed more and more dictatorial powers .
21 More and more modern amplifiers feature a direct recording facility .
22 In the last few decades , however , the simple atoms of the early atomic theories have been discovered to be much more complex than was originally thought , and physicists are continually finding more and more sub-atomic particles .
23 More and more listening Americans realized that you do n't have to be Black to become ‘ an outsider ’ in your own native land : in our democracy .
24 Since an expanding post-war economy stimulated immigration into Britain , governments have imposed more and more severe restrictions on entry .
25 More and more worried teenagers spend their Easter at intensive revision courses , such as those run by Cherwell Tutors in Oxford .
26 Whilst the age of the theme pub may be over , more and more old pubs are being transformed into identical , pseudo-historical clones .
27 It was a craft that evolved into an art form , as they attempted more and more ambitious shapes in a widening range of materials .
28 As the week went on I got more and more anguished telegrams from home telling me to conclude the deal and come home .
29 As the lava cools down further , to a dull red , more and more chilled fragments remain on the surface , and these small particles soon agglomerate together , forming progressively larger plates or rafts which cover the surface of the flow , the hot lava itself only glowing through in the cracks between rafts .
30 His idea was that , as the Masai acquired more and more permanent waters , they would at first acquire more and more cattle ; indeed , the prospect of doing so would be the incentive required to get them to pay for the water in the first place .
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