Example sentences of "more [adv] and [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose your client insists on advertising his product on television when you believe his story could be more economically and effectively told in the press .
2 In the two figures on the right in particular the earlier striations and hatchings have given way to more discreetly and subtly modelled planes delineating the component parts of the trunks and limbs of the figures ; these planes are angled away from each other along clearly defined ridges in some passages , but softly opened up into each other in others .
3 It is arguable that biological , economic and sociological studies might be more effectively and productively pursued and co-ordinated under the aegis of a single organisation but this view has not prevailed in Great Britain .
4 The pragmatist might acknowledge this point but would offer the further thought that , under normal circumstances , it is unlikely that a flea 's stray garment could be mistaken for anything else , and that the flea. its garments and any other intimately associated paraphernalia would be more sensibly and helpfully handled as a single record .
5 In both saloons moveable dining-room chairs were used and the tables also were made moveable , so that the interior of the saloons could be more easily and thoroughly cleaned than the old style of car with the fixed and upholstered furniture .
6 Under well-developed JIT systems , the principles of activity-based systems may , therefore , be more easily and fruitfully applied when making product-mix decisions of the strategic kind .
7 Above all , it is sad that so many educated people have hardened themselves against science , because if they had not , and if instead of floundering historians who have never heard of Joseph Priestley and Erasmus Darwin , and effete scholars of English who have never heard of history , we had Renaissance men , then science might be more controllable , more easily and naturally directed to the fulfilment of human aims : an agent of democracy rather than ( as it so often has been ) of rule by military or commercial despotism .
8 It still represents a cost to the Exchequer and a loss of potential output , but it can be argued that it is not particularly distressing to the people concerned and , for the economy as a whole , it may actually result in a more efficient use of labour : this is because high short-run unemployment may be a reflection of greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas and consequently may result in the labour force being more suitably and productively employed .
9 With computer analysis information of the kind presented here can be more rapidly and accurately mapped .
10 Constitutional rule is more ostensibly and controversially exercised as Head of the Commonwealth .
11 The play 's strength is that it draws on Eliot 's earlier work and makes that earlier work transferable to the West End , a triumph in itself ; its weakness , like that of most of the plays , is that it offers us little we can not find more concisely and intensely expressed in the poetry .
12 From among these States the interests of El Salvador , Honduras and Costa Rica were more directly and intensely affected than those of other States .
13 It is a reasonable assumption — though little more than an assumption that ads in the categories at the lower end of the scale as it appears on the page will be more closely studied , and more thoroughly and consciously used by purchasers , than those at the upper end of the scale .
14 more clearly and widely understood so that there is no confusion about our procedures ; and
15 The eyes and the fins of the dolphins are also much more clearly and elaborately depicted than in the former .
16 Ironically enough , the most important pedagogical implication is hinted at in Canon 777 itself , in its statement that children are more fruitfully and deeply instructed through catechetical formation after the reception of First Communion .
17 In many places the freight yards were more carefully and conveniently located , as in Carl Condit 's Cincinnati , than the passenger stations themselves .
18 The integration of research and breeding allows faster development of new disease-resistant strains ; information is more efficiently and creatively managed within an ‘ internal ’ market , especially given the advent of bio-technology .
19 Excesses of this sort , however , did not alter the fact that in most respects the legal status of diplomats was , by the eighteenth century , more securely and satisfactorily established than ever before .
20 Because the money did n't matter now , and our games were more evenly and bitterly fought , and we agreed that the rivalry should n't — and indeed could n't — get any tenser .
21 Moreover , even of the rulers who were more strongly and self-consciously influenced than Maria Theresa and Charles III by the attitudes and assumptions of the Enlightenment none , with the exception of Catherine II , regarded himself as absolute in any complete sense .
22 A patent ( no. 1,263 ) was granted to Pickard on 23 August 1780 for a ‘ new-invented method of applying steam engines to the turning of wheeles , whereby a rotative motion is performed , and the power of the engine is more immediately and fully applied … than by the intervention of water ’ .
23 Their architecture , their courtliness , their ceremony were famous — but , like a profile miniature portrait , the result was one-dimensional : the jewels , the fineness of the turbans , the swirling details of the drapery — all were more lovingly and clearly drawn than the man inside ; the sitter 's thoughts and feelings , his character and emotions remain relatively opaque : unfathomed and incomprehensible .
24 Very like Snipe , but slightly darker and heavier in flight , axillaries and under wing coverts more heavily and darkly barred ; bill shorter ; more often on drier ground .
25 Element analysis and CL can thus be more closely and conveniently linked .
26 What is new is that this phenomenon of the political management of the economy is being more systematically and seriously explored within the burgeoning New Right literature on the " political-business cycle " .
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