Example sentences of "more [adj] [pers pn] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Not even squatters camped in this place , so more likely they 'd been broken by locals scavenging for carpets or pipes .
2 He told Husband he 'd have to consult with the rest of the private Office and maybe even the PM before he could agree to them interrogating you ; he may actually be doing that , for all I know , though I think it 's more likely he 's been waiting for his temper to cool before he briefs you .
3 More likely it had been trolls .
4 February 18 — now that the risk of death is so much more increased I 've been doing a spot of philosophising .
5 The more the institutions of representative government demand technical efficiency from administrative organizations , the more those organizations have found it necessary to employ specialists and the more difficult it has been for the judgements of the career officials to be resisted .
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