Example sentences of "than he [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Faldo also made birdies at both the 15th and 16th and putted better than he had on either of the first two days .
2 These days he felt happier than he had at any time in his life .
3 Bigwig was racing back across the field , looking more agitated than he had at any time since the encounter with Captain Holly .
4 A little over an hour later , Harry felt more in control of events than he had at any time since Heather 's disappearance .
5 He had always considered Sir John a portly , self-indulgent toper , but at this moment the coroner seemed more at ease , sword and dagger in his hands , fighting for his life , than he had at any time since they had met .
6 They will make less than he does of that part of Eliot which was a ‘ good ventriloquist ’ .
7 Anybody who " ramps " or causes " ramping " of USM stocks in this way cares more for the profits on his own transaction profits possibly running into thousands of pounds than he does for those of his clients .
8 Besides , his robust narrative voice carries with it a quiet irony as the reader sees more than he realises of this attractively vigorous and unaffected hero .
9 Despite the initial shock of being confronted with a typical Elizabethan letter or manuscript , the collector may be assured that , once he has troubled to master the unfamiliar forms of a number of the letters , their consistency will ensure that he will have no more — and sometimes less — trouble than he has with some of the missives that find their way to his desk or doormat today .
10 Had the house actually left the ground , he knew that he could n't have felt more strange than he did at this moment , or more afraid : there was someone here .
11 He has done more theological ‘ homework ’ here than he did for some of his own religious books , and it shows , even though learning was never more lightly worn .
12 Now he thinks more of her than he did of these , when they were babies .
13 It is worth noting that over half Jack 's 242 League appearances for Crystal Palace were in Division Two of the Football League — and only Roy McCracken made more appearances than he did in those four seasons , 1921–25 , so there is no doubt that Jack was a loyal club servant in a demanding period .
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