Example sentences of "than with [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But she assures me that you are far better off with a lensless eye than with no eye at all .
2 Most crucially , the report still viewed unemployment as something requiring periodic relief rather than with a sense of understanding of how relief and cure were bound up together .
3 The common English proverb " Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise " is less concerned with self-denial than with a prescription for regular habits .
4 The reason why they turned to anthropology and history had more to do with their analysis of capitalism than with a concern with pre-capitalist societies for themselves .
5 There is no better way , young or old , to enjoy the festive side of Christmas than with a visit to the pantomime .
6 And after a long day 's walking , what better way to end it than with a glass of cider in one of St Ives ' treasures — The Three Ferrets .
7 Dealing otherwise than with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss
8 The most important defence is trading other than with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss .
9 Section 4(1) ( c ) provides : ( c ) ( i ) that the only supply of the product to another by the person proceeded against was otherwise than in the course of a business of that person 's ; and ( c ) ( ii ) that section 2(2) above does not apply to that person or applies to him by virtue of things done otherwise than with a view to profit …
10 By the time English had situated itself as a centre of learning and teaching at all universities in the early 1930s , its ethos and evaluative criteria were those associated with a masculine profession , rather than with a programme of national cultural intervention .
11 For some , entering the market as consumers had more to do with necessity than with a growth in personal income .
12 Mrs Hill was a small , plump , middle-aged woman , with fine frizzy hair which she encased in a fine frizzy hair net ; she always wore a purple and blue flowered pinny , a garment more in keeping with an aunt or a cleaner than with a lover of science .
13 Once he was in power , this alternative view would argue , his policies were more consistent with a belief that it was still feasible to salvage some kind of organic link between France and Algeria than with a belief in the inevitability of complete rupture .
14 In general it seems fair to say that rather fewer Zuwaya were concerned with freedom of speech or opinion than with the threats to economic independence , which in their view was more closely bound up with identity and belonging .
15 In both the total population and among younger men periodontal disease and oral hygiene were more strongly associated with total mortality than with the incidence of coronary heart disease .
16 The conclusions of this Lecture are perhaps concerned more with developments in economic theory than with the incidence of taxation , and we have emphasized throughout the Lectures that the study of taxation can be no more soundly based than the models that are employed ( explicitly or implicitly ) .
17 This quality is lacking in departments such as the Treasury or the Foreign Office which are pre-occupied more with policies than with the handling of individual cases .
18 In June 1964 a law transformed RTF into O ( for ‘ Office ’ ( RTF's ' This law had more to do with the organizational needs of a body attempting to adjust to the expansion of broadcasting than with the issue of political control .
19 As for reception , Benjamin sees the film audience , detached from the moment of production , as being in the position of a critic , identifying with the analytical work of the camera rather than with the experiences of the characters .
20 Finally , the dilemmas associated with abuse have more to do with anxiety over taking a moral position than with the complexity of the subject .
21 Sadly , the case had more to do with the freedom of the press than with the rights of the mentally handicapped to live , and when the Mail was cleared of contempt by the Law Lords it was a victory for the freedom of the press not the mentally handicapped present in our society .
22 However , the republican movement of the 1870s seems to have been more concerned with the failures of Victoria , rather than with the peccadilloes of her son ( Roby , 1975 ) .
23 Because Statementing is concerned with the allocation of resources rather than with the identification of needs strict limits are placed on the power of parents to affect the Statementing process .
24 Even less than with the designation of the polytechnics was the CNAA in the 1970s confronting a policy-driven situation .
25 Younger men , on the whole , demonstrated a greater concern with the nature of the state than with the purity of Islam : Libya is Muslim and should therefore have Islamic law .
26 On the contrary , he had spent the hours of peril trying to establish in his mind his superiority to the abject cowardice of his companions , seeming more concerned with his own soul than with the fate of the helpless pilgrims on the Patna .
27 The first drafts of the play are concerned to set the pattern of action and feeling rather than with the exploration of individual characters — this formalistic approach to his task was demonstrated in the preparation of a later drama , when he used a blackboard to set out the play and used symbols to denote his characters .
28 Group members ' perceptions of expected behaviour are concerned with bits of behaviour ( ‘ Can I make jokes in this group ? ’ ) , rather than with the behaviour as a continuing phenomenon ( ‘ Do I have a sense of humour ? ’ ) .
29 Jean-Marie Schaefer , for example , writing in L'art de l'âge moderne , l'esthétique et la philosophie de l'art du XVIII siècle à nos jours ( Modern art : aesthetics and philosophy in art , from the eighteenth-century to the present day ) , is critical of a lack of coherent criteria for making value judgements , finding fault more with the theories justifying the works than with the works of art themselves .
30 The Spanish Tribunal de Cuentas was virtually inoperative during the 1960s ( Fernandez 1970 ) and control in general suffered from one of the characteristic features of the Spanish administration , an excessive concern for legal form and precedent rather than with the substance of performance ( see Beltran 1977 : ch. 5 ; Medhurst 1973 : 163 ) .
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