Example sentences of "than she [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It did not take her long to work out that the meal was going to cost her considerably more than she 'd saved by spending a rather miserable night in rue Roland .
2 Kim was learning more than she 'd bargained for from the entries : ‘ I had n't realised that the all-in-one body had been such an immensely influential piece .
3 She felt great , better rested than she 'd felt for weeks now , the little aches of fatigue she 'd been growing used to now all miraculously ironed out .
4 That was more than she 'd done for Dane , she realised , feeling the first faint stirrings of doubt .
5 ‘ Is that the soup for — ’ she had more difficulty than she 'd expected in saying the name — ‘ for Marion Maclean ?
6 Oh Christ , she wanted to be fucked even more than she 'd hungered for the whip .
7 She said it had prompted more real conversation between them than she had achieved in all their previous encounters .
8 Elizabeth retired a little earlier than she had planned for domestic reasons but says that she intends to keep in touch with colleagues .
9 This was better than she had hoped for !
10 Whilst the USSR has been less successful than she had hoped in restricting export volume , CMEA countries nonetheless find themselves obliged to purchase ever larger volumes of fuel from non-CMEA countries at market clearing prices .
11 Summoning all her reserves , she swam forcefully down the whole length of the pool , and back again , gradually realising that she felt fitter than she had done for ages .
12 They cried a lot , and Jesie Smith , appearing in the kitchen more than she had done in recent months , not only cried but wailed , nearly always when Joe was within earshot , and the substance of her wailing was , ‘ Left without a breadwinner , ’ which nearly always elicited , ‘ Oh !
13 She insisted on sharing it with Annunziata , who looked even more gaunt than she had done before the news of her son 's survival , and then got up .
14 She smoked more than she had done before too lighting a cigarette with real hunger when they came out into the sunlight .
15 She shot down stairs faster than she had moved for thirty years , her head full of horrific accidents .
16 It was more than she had bargained for , and she now returned to the Madonna with a much bigger bunch of flowers praying fervently for an end to her fertility .
17 A large sculpture , primitive in nature and in texture , African she thought , although she had not cared to ask him , fearing he might expand rather more than she had bargained for on the origins of what she suspected to be a goddess of fertility .
18 It put a bit of life back into her and she was able to leave with more dignity than she had felt on arrival as Felipe politely held her chair and said adiós to the still intrigued customers .
19 This unpalatable circumstance could result in the very real possibility that Cassie would get a lower price for the cottage than she had paid for it , thus resulting in the disastrous situation of owing the Building Society money which she did not possess .
20 You had changed her mourning into joy , a joy much richer than she had wanted and much dearer and purer than she had looked for .
21 She also said she was sorry that she might be away a little longer than she had expected to be .
22 Miss D'Arcy smiled again : she stood above him on the rise of Latrigg Fell and was impressed more than she had anticipated by the gallant and handsome figure he struck , posed so elegantly against the mountains .
23 Eventually the experience might have to be repeated , in her own defence , but she could not hope to find much more in it than she had found in this first venture .
24 She shook out the clothes over the scrub with more alacrity than she had shown at the washing , she was released from her error , she had escaped , just .
25 ‘ Now Maman has Montaine to herself , ’ Jean-Claude said without expression , adding that it would be a closer relationship than she had had with Montaine in life .
26 He was younger than she had supposed from Jenny 's description — in his early thirties , and as good-looking as she had expected .
27 husbands think their fault is they 've no money , when in all accounts he 's probably had more to spend on his luxuries than she 's had on food .
28 The homoeopathic physician can on the other hand give the appropriate remedies for grief or fright , or whatever else it may have been , and experience the satisfaction of being told that the patient now feels better than she has done for years .
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