Example sentences of "than they [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 What the chapel and the parish managed to ensure , in the last analysis , was that Betty 's last few years were less harrowing than they might otherwise have been .
2 In the role of general secretary of the ITGWU Larkin proved to be a difficult colleague and drove union leaders on the mainland into less militant positions than they might otherwise have adopted .
3 Thus it seems likely that health authorities were encouraged to be generous in the allocation of budgets , that fundholders were less concerned than they might otherwise have been about the need to stay within strict cash limits , and that non-fundholders were allowed greater freedom of referral than might have been anticipated .
4 We very much hope that that money will help many countries to phase out CFCs much earlier than they might otherwise have done .
5 She should be grateful that he was making things easier than they might otherwise have been .
6 Before the finale , when he mystifyingly decided they were more important than they 'll ever know , ’ he accused them of speaking ‘ piffle , tosh and cynicism . ’
7 Hardship allowances are paid as compensation to those expatriates relocated to countries where they have to face greater discomforts or difficulties than they would normally experience at home : climate , unstable political environments , isolation , separation from children , poor sanitation , and so on .
8 To do so , they will have to issue a good deal more paper than they would normally like .
9 But an element of rationing can override this tendency : when people know that their budgets will stand only a certain level of instalment payment , that forces them into longer repayment schedules than they would otherwise choose .
10 Whether we discover them in the landscape or in ourselves , we are imbuing the places concerned with more significance than they would otherwise possess .
11 By limited liability the state is encouraging management to use shareholder funds in more risky ventures than they would otherwise undertake , and then pass on the liability at a time for forced liquidation , to third parties .
12 The most efficient recyclers would thus have an incentive to go further than they would otherwise do .
13 discount will pay more than they would otherwise do .
14 He moved more heavily and slowly so that often they had to pause to allow him to keep up , and they rested for his sake more often than they would otherwise have done .
15 For them , the cost is this anxiety , and the fact that ( because of the rate of charge on their credit obligations , which commonly is high ) they are poorer , in terms of what they can buy , than they would otherwise have been .
16 So in real terms , their attempt to buy off inflation through borrowing makes them poorer than they would otherwise have been .
17 VERs are designed to protect the domestic car industry , but critics argue that consumers suffer , as some are prevented from buying the car of their choice , and that the prices of Japanese cars are higher than they would otherwise have been , thus raising Japanese profit margins ( ie profit per car sold ) .
18 Lower cost , whether from raised efficiency or lower prices , look a certainty — the catch is , that can only mean lower than they would otherwise have been .
19 Compact will certainly enable some young people to secure better jobs than they would otherwise have done .
20 c The past 3 years have destroyed the myth that elderly dementing people can not play a role in the running of a nursing home — we have seen even severe Alzheimer residents respond to normalization programme and reality orientation work and enjoy it and , indeed , remain at a plateau much longer than they would otherwise have done ( highly subjective comment , I know ) .
21 Developments in Afghanistan assumed a greater significance for Western governments than they would otherwise have had because of the place they appeared to occupy in an ‘ Arc of Crisis ’ that extended from the Middle East to South-Eastern Asia .
22 They have frozen child benefit for three years so that mothers and families are nearly £1 billion worse off than they would otherwise have been .
23 But both authors recognise that experience in office in the coalition government had made the Labour leaders more cautious than they would otherwise have been : Dr Marwick comments that ‘ Middle-class radicalism and official trade unionism were much stronger influences than left-wing Socialism ’ , and Dr Addison speaks of an ‘ Attlee consensus ’ to which the Conservatives , when they returned to office in 1951 , also subscribed .
24 On the other hand , the charting options within the spreadsheet function in Works are robust and simple to operate , with the result that graphics for analysis of publication data are much better than they would otherwise have been .
25 They accept that their work is less technical than they would perhaps like , but ‘ craftsmanship ’ is still possible in accurate diagnosis and illness management ( Freidson 1975 ) .
26 Millions of British motorists are driving cars more plush than they would ever choose to own were they handed the extra money and told to spend it themselves .
27 It seems that people tend to be more demanding of themselves than they would ever let management be .
28 In that year , Haringey 's Labour councillors learned more about heterosexism than they would ever have believed possible , and they have become far more articulate in their defence of lesbian and gay rights than they were at the time of their election .
29 Various modern human activities ensure , however , that many ecosystems are assaulted with more nutrient than they can properly deal with .
30 When writing a history essay , most people have more facts or knowledge available than they can conveniently use .
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