Example sentences of "troops [prep] the ground " in BNC.

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1 The UN said that despite undertakings from Serb commanders the helicopters would be given safe passage it appeared Mr Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic , the Serb commander , could not control their troops of the ground .
2 if they 're keeping the politicians happy by keep the trou civilianising troops from the ground nobody looks at those at the top
3 No wonder the ‘ troops on the ground ’ are cynical , for they know ‘ real work ’ is for young officers and is something to leave behind at the first opportunity !
4 Despite a statement by Selwyn Lloyd , the Foreign Secretary , in the House of Commons on 23rd July that there was ‘ no question of large-scale operations by British troops on the ground ’ , Army units had to be flown up to the Oman from Kenya to support the Sultan 's armed forces in crushing the rebellion .
5 This minor affair underlined the Army 's contention that nuclear weapons and air power were no substitute for troops on the ground in the type of fighting in which Britain was likely to be involved as long as she remained a colonial power .
6 When it sees one , it informs the troops on the ground .
7 It is the troops on the ground who do most of the fighting .
8 ‘ The priority at the moment is the safety of the UN troops on the ground and being wary of the dangers of long-term military entanglement . ’
9 The Moslems would be protected by powerful air power , including RAF jets , rather than troops on the ground .
10 First , the Europeans , however flabby they may appear , already have some troops on the ground in ex-Yugoslavia : troops who might be greatly endangered by American air strikes .
11 They say that if Mr Christopher had gone to Europe with nothing but the ‘ strike ’ part of his strategy , he would have found agreement ( no great enthusiasm , but agreement ) in Paris and London , notwithstanding the inevitable dangers to troops on the ground .
12 He has also insisted that we will not keep troops on the ground when the war is over , and that a solution must be found by the local governments and not imposed on them by the US and/or Britain .
13 There 's a dilemma of who 's taking decisions about what and should the troops on the ground who may be involved , could be involved in fighting following an air strike erm are not under a NATO flag , they 're under a United Nations flag , so it is quite a complex situation and a very delicate one to handle .
14 Asked about Bosnia , Mr Major said he did not regard the US airdrops as presenting any danger of retaliation against British troops on the ground in the former Yugoslavia .
15 yeah and that 's the problem with this sort of whatever sort of watch you wanted to do , unless unless we encourage and get the backing of the troops on the ground we 're kicking ourselves in the teeth
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