Example sentences of "increasing levels [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Decreases in the variability of exposure with increasing levels of ventilation were found .
2 But for a generation we have too often tolerated increasing levels of inflation , culminating in the disastrous hyper-inflation of the late '70s .
3 Britain is becoming more concerned about the diminishing sense of community and the increasing levels of aimlessness and social isolation .
4 Increasing demands on services estimated at costing 2 per cent more in real terms per year ( Benzeval and Robinson 1988 ) were to be met by increased efficiency rather than by increasing levels of funding to match .
5 The criteria listed below do not correspond to distinct levels of difficulty , although they represent increasing levels of complexity from 1 to 4 .
6 A rough distinction can be made between , on the one hand , the systematic branches of geography ( economic , social , political and demographic ) which are concerned with the detailed study of subsystems at increasing levels of complexity and , on the other hand , the application of geography to real-world problems .
7 How to crack down on increasing levels of vandalism and the emergence of street gangs in the area will be decided today at a special meeting of the council 's Police Liaison Committee .
8 Does he agree that the serious deterioration of air quality in London arises mainly from increasing vehicle movements and that the best course would therefore be to improve public transport , reduce the number of cars going through London and ensure cleaner fuels and cleaner burn to preserve the health of our children , who are suffering grievously because of the increasing levels of pollution in central London ?
9 The money , a 16 per cent increase on last year and the most the Corporation has ever spent in the region , recognises increasing levels of homelessness in the area .
10 Such stress inoculation in the form of graded exposure to increasing levels of stress is believed by Epstein to be a natural healing process of the mind .
11 We will look at other methods of assessing the level and effects of crime in a moment , but we note here that both survey-based estimates and police statistics show increasing levels of crime , the differences are of degree not direction .
12 After a series of physical exchanges in which Bremner rarely came second , the referee detected that the increasing levels of animosity were about to spoil the game as a spectacle and sent both Bremner and Keegan for an early bath .
13 Increasing levels of poverty were a likely outcome .
14 The increasing levels of Oestrogen that occur from day five also prepare the womb for ovulation and a possible fertilised egg .
15 Given the relationship between advancing years and increasing levels of disability , it is not surprising that the very old consumer large amounts of health care .
16 Cooper , at the inaugural meeting of the Stratford Ratepayers ' Association argued that high rates were forcing manufacturers to leave the district , necessarily increasing levels of unemployment ( SE 25 March 22 ) .
17 Increasing levels of unemployment in the recent past have revived concern over the possible relationship between unemployment and ill-health .
18 By making tape recording of the sounds that disturb her , and playing them back to her frequently , indoors , at increasing levels of volume , she should gradually learn to accept them .
19 The WDA is already active in increasing levels of research and development work in Wales .
20 The latest studies of the fossil record , however , suggested that many families had been subject to a constant trend towards increasing levels of specialization .
21 Proposals that wages should be linked directly to age were put forward by labour unions in the later 1940s as a way of establishing a wage profile that reflected the increasing levels of housing or educational spending , but the slope of the female wage profile shows that the age/wage connection may not be universal .
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