Example sentences of "growing numbers of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Too many congressmen in both parties were reluctant to aid Soviet retraining at a time when growing numbers of US citizens were unemployed .
2 Certainly it was watched by a fair few housewives , posh farkers or not , with growing numbers of women around the country now tuning in for Paul Merton 's steadily increasing TV appearances .
3 Prominent among these factors are increased social and geographical mobility consequent upon greatly increased educational opportunity and a rapidly changing economy ; the marked trends over recent decades towards smaller families , higher marriage rates and earlier marriage ; and the growing numbers of women continuing in or re-entering full-time work .
4 Personal computer packages are a real boom area because of the influence of Windows , networks and the growing numbers of home computer users , according to technical director Graham Wylie .
5 The self-abnegation of Friends , emptying themselves the better to be filled by the Light Within , did not then necessarily exclude the pursuit of righteousness in the world ; equally , in the outlook of growing numbers of Quakers in the early nineteenth century , this stance could merge with a stress on the experience of grace which aligned them with evangelicals .
6 The fact that growing numbers of students are making the personal decision to go into higher education each year suggests strongly that our system of student support , far from providing a deterrent , is encouraging more people to go into higher education , who perhaps would not have had the confidence to do so or the belief that it is appropriate for them .
7 Yet growing numbers of boyar and state peasants found themselves subjected to the harsh rule of small landowners .
8 With the growing numbers of monks , this soon became inconveniently small .
9 The Countryside Commission is urging the government to introduce legislation to ease the strain on Britain 's ten national parks , under pressure from the growing numbers of visitors and the tourist industry 's interest in development , as well as demands ranging from mineral extraction to military training .
10 A new report says growing numbers of tenants are facing illegal evictions or even threats of violence .
11 Charles I and his new Archbishop , Laud , were as anxious to reform ecclesiastical society as the growing numbers of Puritans , but their remedies were diametrically opposed .
12 Polls suggested that up to one in four Conservative MPs wanted her to go before the next general election : growing numbers of backbenchers were prepared openly to declare that the time had come for her to call it a day .
13 None the less continued expansion of fundholding will lead to excessive management costs , difficulties of coordination in contracting between growing numbers of purchasers , and lack of effectiveness .
14 Meanwhile for marketing we continue to attract growing numbers of candidates .
15 Most of the traffic on the narrow canals is now of a different kind : growing numbers of pleasure craft owned or hired by those who have discovered the fascination of the inland waterways .
16 The gesture was a symbolic expression of the abhorrence felt by growing numbers of people at the threat to the future of the African elephant posed by a particularly bloody trade and will have gained widespread support .
17 Whatever the distressing news coming from afar , from the battlefields in Russia , North Africa , and elsewhere , for growing numbers of people in cities and towns on the home front the latter half of the war was increasingly dominated by the threat from the skies , as Luftwaffe defences crumbled and allied air supremacy became as good as total .
18 This raises issues about the direction of the National Health Service and the continued dominance of acute services in the face of the increasing needs of growing numbers of people with chronic and degenerative conditions , which an editorial in The Economist recently described as ‘ types of misery that make old age worse than it need be . ’
19 Growing numbers of migrant workers from the former Soviet Union have been entering Poland and Turkey .
20 The biggest cut comes in Germany where its packaging plant in Braunschweig is to close at a cost of 275 jobs , and the decision highlights the growing structural problem in the German economy : growing numbers of German and international companies now find that the high cost of employment makes it too expensive to manufacture there .
21 What has let Britain down is that this has been allowed to produce growing numbers of redundancies instead of the increase in employment , and growth in the availability of real resources that should have resulted .
22 The condition is affecting growing numbers of children in the country , with one in seven primary schoolchildren suffering from it .
23 ARDS Borough Council plans to get tough with growing numbers of street gangs terrorising local residents .
24 As a result of the growing numbers of taekwondo practitioners , taekwondo has been listed as an Olympic sport and will be demonstrated at the 1988 Olympics .
25 Growing numbers of pilgrims and tourists are visiting the area , and it is now one of the most polluted regions of the Himalayas .
26 Growing numbers of schools , colleges , community groups and other training providers are becoming involved in European projects .
27 Growing numbers of tourists joined in this ant-like procession .
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