Example sentences of "nobody [vb mod] have known " in BNC.

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1 It seems likely that , if Prince Charles had n't made it famous through his children 's book The Old Man of Lochnagar , nobody might have known that , by 1984 , only 13 trout survived in this highly acidified loch .
2 Rupert had not specified what the ‘ friends ’ consisted of , so nobody could have known about the anthropological colleague and his wife and their children aged seven , five , and three , or pictured Rupert going to church alone on Christmas morning , helping to wash up after the adequate but plain Christmas dinner , spending the evening talking shop , and retiring early to his hard uncomfortable bed .
3 Nobody would have known that he was planning to puff on home-grown cannabis in Wales if it had n't been for the ironic coincidence that another Mr Perkins had mistakenly opened a package addressed to the actor .
4 ‘ You could have had an abortion and nobody would have known .
5 She might have stayed out , and nobody would have known .
6 I 've made some well some very big sacrifices especially early on in my career when nobody would have known that I was probably even in the country .
7 But it 's all so ironic — if my little tinkering with her inhaler had n't led to her death nobody would have known that Doreen guessed — that I 'd been helping myself to the firm 's cash now and then — only piffling amounts over the years I 'd been with them , a few thousand here and there , just enough for some designer clothes and jewellery .
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