Example sentences of "matters [prep] [be] discussed " in BNC.

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1 When the Government was newly formed it was perhaps natural for many matters to be discussed in Ministerial Committees which , with growing experience , should now be settled by the individual ministers concerned .
2 You will pay special attention to preparation , being thoroughly familiar with the matters to be discussed .
3 There were matters to be discussed that were really quite urgent .
4 A memorandum by Thomas Cromwell in 1533 of matters to be discussed with the King includes things to be said on the departure of the Bavarian ambassador , the interrogation of a friar named Reysbye , the treatment of certain other friars who had been in contact with Rome , the folding of cloth in the north of England , the offer made to the King by the executors of Lord Dacre of the South in an important test case , and the affairs of a reputed idiot named Ralph Francis .
5 We seek to promote non-proliferation and disarmament , and that will be one of the matters to be discussed at the United Nations Security Council meeting that I shall chair next week .
6 Any party , including the child , may be excluded from a directions hearing if they are legally represented and their absence is desirable in the child 's interests in view of the matters to be discussed ( FPCR , r16(2) ; FPR , r4.16(2) ) .
7 Any party who is legally represented may be excluded from all or any part of the proceedings if the court considers this to be in the child 's interests having regard to the matters to be discussed or evidence likely to be given ( FPCR , r16(2) ; FPR , r4.16(2) ) .
8 The court may exclude the child from all or any part of the proceedings if it considers this to be in his interests having regard to matters to be discussed or evidence likely to be given .
9 However , it 's now been arranged that the guys abroad will each run their own particular operation and only call on me when there are policy matters to be discussed .
10 Among the matters to be discussed will be the rubber-stamping of the applications for membership from Vicars Cross and Wirral Ladies men 's section .
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