Example sentences of "fifty pounds a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Photographers were asked to pay fifty pounds a head to take pictures of the troubled businessman , who 's facing theft and fraud charges .
2 Spending forty and fifty pounds a head on
3 In April 1765 Collinson wrote , ‘ I have the pleasure to inform my good friend that my repeated solicitations have not been in vain , for this day I received certain intelligence from our gracious King that he has appointed thee his Botanist with a salary of fifty pounds a year . ’
4 But you 're amazingly lucky to have that fifty pounds a year !
5 Cornelius Fennel had left her fifty pounds a year for life , but she could not touch the capital .
6 The pater gives her fifty pounds a year as a dress allowance and she has nearly always spent it by the end of the first month .
7 So immediately they 've made two hundred and fifty pounds a year er bonus by having the wife 's er name on the account .
8 Erm just er when I first started , I 've already mentioned I think that erm there are about seventeen erm students at universities with major scholarships within the maximum of this erm hundred and fifty pounds a year and erm we inter had to interview all these erm applicants , erm which was n't a very arduous task because there were n't so many of them but
9 These were fifty pounds a year
10 Erm , they were not interviewed , they if they were accepted by a teacher training college they received erm a maximum of , of fifty pounds a year but erm as far as I can remember there was no loan erm element in that but I m I may be wrong because er but I never can remember erm writing to recover loans from the training college student .
11 The change will save the average family fifty pounds a year .
12 For a single person it 's seven pounds a week , more than three hundred and fifty pounds a year .
13 Two hundred and fifty pounds a night !
14 a hundred and fifty pounds , how close can you get to a hundred and fifty pounds a month ?
15 Er let's say a hundred and fifty pounds a month towards a pension and er maybe fifty pounds towards life protection .
16 ‘ Regular payments of fifty pounds a week over the past six weeks . ’
17 A lump sum down on May 22nd and then fifty pounds a week .
18 That will cost you something in the region of fifty pounds a week . ’
19 They 're going to give their verdict tonight , as to whether they can afford to pay fifty pounds a week .
20 Fifty pounds a week could benefit the whole school , if it were put to other uses . ’
21 But it seemed that the Parents ' Association thought fifty pounds a week for merely one phase of the competition excessive .
22 ‘ You see , I need to make at least fifty pounds a week for thirty-six weeks a year . ’
23 The they were going to actually pay fifty pounds a week for a
24 Five pound a week protects two hundred and fifty pounds a week .
25 Question what would you do without your two hundred and fifty pounds a week ?
26 They say they 're also unhappy about the possible loss of overtime , which could mean losing up to fifty pounds a week for some staff .
27 Average maintenance is running at fifty pounds a week .
28 having this whole thing out , right , she 'd pay right , I bring home wage , right believe it or not I 'll tell you it 's about between a hundred and eleven and a hundred and fourteen pounds a week , that 's forty and ten , that 's a hundred and fifty pounds a week , right , now if she got to pay poll tax out of that , right , what she 's getting which is twenty odd pounds a month
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