Example sentences of "arms around [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Puffing his arms around her back he unhooked her bra , letting her opulent breasts free .
2 One day she herself was looking in the mirror , and her sailor came up behind her and put his arms around her waist , and stared hungrily at her joyous face .
3 When Aggie swung round with a lightness that always denied her heavy bulk and made hastily for the door , Millie flew after her and , jumping in front of her , threw her arms around her waist as far as they would go , crying , ‘ I 'm sorry .
4 Then he kissed her , felt her breath release as she felt the force of his passion as he put his arms around her waist , as he pulled her towards him .
5 Patrick hopped out of bed and came up behind her , wrapping his arms around her waist , resting his chin on her shoulder .
6 She pointed to one of the paintings on the south wall , in which the maiden sat on a plinth beneath bowering trees , reading a billet-doux whilst its author wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head against her neck .
7 Moving very , very slowly , she wrapped her arms around her waist and sat down on the bench .
8 Kim , well fortified with Brandy Mac was feeding cold Big Mac to Trippy while straddling his lap , his arms around her waist so he could still play .
9 She hung in the room , strong arms around her waist , strong fingers around her legs .
10 She felt his arms around her waist , and turned to face him .
11 He pushed aside the pan and went to her by the sink , wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against him .
12 He held her close , both his arms around her waist , and she tucked her head under his chin .
13 He took off his glasses and put his arms around her waist , and they stood for a while facing one another .
14 As he turned her on the dance-floor and slid his arms around her waist , a shudder of convulsive desire went through her body , and he bent his head , mouth hot against her shivering throat , to whisper thickly , ‘ I love the way you move .
15 Miranda put her arms around her sister .
16 The girl Marilyn got up and put her arms around her friend .
17 Isabel flung her arms around her sister-in-law .
18 She hesitated , pausing uncertainly outside the doorway , clasping her arms around her body , clutching the robe tightly at her neck in an effort to feel less vulnerable .
19 Robyn hugged her arms around her body .
20 When the letter arrived telling her that she had been accepted to read History of Art , she shouted ‘ Hooray ! ’ and flung her arms around her brother , then burst into uncontrollable tears of relief .
21 An undemonstrative woman , the mother was quite incapable of putting her arms around her son and telling him that she was proud of him or that she loved him .
22 And her daughter would put er arms around her neck and hug her .
23 When her daughter put her arms around her neck and hugged her tightly it was almost too much , and to prevent the tears from flowing , she said , ‘ Your dress will be all crushed under your coat . ’
24 Emma was clinging to Peggy now , her arms around her neck , crying , ‘ Do n't !
25 Tucking the little girls up under their light sheets , she could n't prevent tears from coming to her eyes when one of the children placed her thin arms around her neck .
26 Crilly wraps his arms around my waist .
27 I was walking quietly by one group of people when a delightful black girl saw me passing and , in the nicest way possible , flung her arms around my neck and said , ‘ Is n't America wonderful ? ’
28 I cried after the girl had gone and he seeing my distress and I explaining I feared your anger he put his arms around my neck and comforted me and said he was sure his real mother could not but love her sister and believe she had acted for the best .
29 ‘ Put your arms around my neck , your legs around my waist and hold tight . ’
30 He put his arms around my neck , almost strangling me , and snuggled his cheek against mine .
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