Example sentences of "king [coord] his minister " in BNC.

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1 As the King and his ministers struggled to escape the constitutional impasse , the seriousness of the republican challenge became daily more evident .
2 By that stage four years of campaigning had amassed enormous crown debts , put the English nation under strains unknown since the 1290s and dangerously divided the king and his ministers .
3 In that same month Warcup had several meetings with the king and his ministers , Laurence Hyde , later first Earl of Rochester , and Sir Leoline Jenkins [ qq.v. ] ; and on 4 March the council ordered him £1,500 by privy seal , for his expenses .
4 This was the very widespread feeling ( at least in Parliament : public opinion normally tended to be suspicious of ministerial projects ) that the king and his ministers had a right to the support of all loyal and patriotic subjects .
5 On a number of later occasions — in 1749 , 1753 , 1771–74 and 1788 — the device of exiling the Parlement to a provincial town was resorted to ; but every one of these struggles was ended by concessions made solely or mainly by the king and his ministers .
6 They also were responsible to Parliament in order to achieve their ends , a fact recognized by both the king and his ministers .
7 Nonetheless , parliamentary support was not difficult to obtain ; the king and his ministers had sufficient patronage and position usually to ensure such support .
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