Example sentences of "near the top of " in BNC.

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1 During a winch launch the potential load on the glider is at a maximum near the top of the launch , when the pull of the cable adds directly to the weight of the glider .
2 A braindamaged man who lives with his mother near the top of the tenement comes in at eleven o'clock , after sweeping out Seventh Street Pizza .
3 Mick Harris contemplating the swing across the blank wall near the top of the second pitch on the second day .
4 Sir : Increasing the recycling of plastics ought to be near the top of Britain 's environmental priorities , as your article ‘ The search to escape a plastic nightmare ’ ( 27 September ) suggests .
5 Often the sole ornament applied to mills was projecting angle piers and a small cornice near the top of the facade , surmounted by a ‘ blocking course ’ of bricks , although some very large mills built during the Edwardian period , when labour and materials were cheapest , display elaborate decorative brickwork .
6 But when the two scholars had gone up to ( Oxford , ‘ I began to be near the top of the form … but still everything at school was an aimless task performed to the letter only .
7 She was nowhere near the top of the hospice waiting-list ( a bed was finally offered six days after her death ) .
8 Dr Paul Booth , of the Government-funded cult information service Inform , describes it as ‘ nowhere near the top of our list of problem organisations ’ .
9 But working near the top of the BBC is said to be a nightmare , with Checkland a lame-duck , Birt not speaking out and Hussey acting like an executive .
10 Tushingham 's second place in the Flying Dutchman , after winning the final race , was particularly impressive as British sailors have not been so near the top of this class since the era of Rodney Pattisson .
11 England are at present near the top of the rugby world , but if they feel they can not keep finding a world-beating XV from 24 of 26 clubs in their top two leagues , my heart bleeds for them .
12 Barnsley Junction had a particularly large signal box erected near the top of an embankment .
13 It was important to pass the examination — and not only that , but to be near the top of the list in order to be assured of getting through the door of the right secondary school .
14 The toad egg is large and yolky and the nucleus floats in the cytoplasm near the top of the egg just beneath the surface .
15 Mr Gillis had stuck a plastic hook near the top of this door on the inside and it was here that he chose to hang his white trilby .
16 ‘ Start from Piazza Vanvitelli which is near the top of the funicolare , there . ’
17 Near the top of the hill stood the large white building which was the San Martino Museum and above it , and in contrast to the museum 's firm elegant lines , could be seen the solid brown ramparts of St Elmo 's Castle .
18 But with a little practice you can be near the top of the scale .
19 Most of them are riding high on a feeling that all politicians and most of the media now put the environment at or near the top of the political agenda .
20 Very near the top of the tree she missed her footing and slipped .
21 There he was silently surveying the world , swaying gently on a twig near the top of the tree !
22 While teachers command social respect in Nicaragua they are not near the top of the salary league — for example , at the same period a surgeon would receive about US$40 a month and a miner about US$80 .
23 to his consternation , his school to be near the top of an LEA vandalism league .
24 In view of the magnitude of the unknowns and the relatively modest displacement assumed in sheet S , transient disturbances to the geothermal gradient due to overthrusting , leading to slightly lower maturities developing near the base of the hanging wall and higher ones near the top of the footwall , have been ignored .
25 Porous sandstones near the top of the Sherwood Sandstone occur beneath thick impervious halite horizons in the Mercia Mudstone .
26 Newmill-1 followed in 1971 and reached 6500 ft in the Lower Permian Sandstone , near the top of which it encountered traces of gas ; further traces were found in the Sherwood Sandstone .
27 Measurements on a core near the top of the Sherwood Sandstone in Newmill-l had permeabilities ranging up to 1 darcy , and averaging 306 mD and 20% porosity .
28 Values of 1.5 and 1.8% were recorded on two samples of Rossmore Mudstone which forms a prominent shale member near the top of the Carboniferous succession in Co .
29 The organ here is a fine instrument , well played by Bernard Gavoty , and this account takes its place at or near the top of a very long list .
30 Above all we can not ignore it : whereas at one time we might have been able to smile at the perversity of the local watch committee in another town , the collective action of several dozen politically motivated local authorities to ban News International publications effectively took censorship in libraries well beyond the silly season in the Press ; and whereas we could once afford to hang back with our copies of Fanny Hill secure in the knowledge that we would be nowhere near the top of the prosecution list , Section 28 is in place and ready to pick us off should we try to share our enthusiasm for homosexual literature with more than a few of our consenting adult users .
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