Example sentences of "series of [adj] changes " in BNC.

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1 It can not have been long , however , before the painting began to undergo a series of striking changes .
2 When the sensory neuron , for instance in the tail , becomes active , it fires the interneuron , which in turn causes a series of chemical changes in the motor neuron .
3 If evolution proceeds by a series of small changes , it is hard to see how it could be otherwise .
4 Just as Darwin tried to build up series of small changes as in dog or pigeon-breeding to enormous evolutionary changes , so they sought continuity between unsurprising telepathy and the seeing of phantasms .
5 These changes are so recent that it is difficult to know if we are beginning a series of cyclical changes or a once-for-all transition to a new , low fertility regime .
6 As we shall see , its policy of financial retrenchment has led to a series of major changes in the financing of public sector higher education , as advanced further education has increasingly come to be called .
7 The new Home Affairs Minister on May 4 announced a series of procedural changes designed to improve public confidence in the police and to prevent further instances of brutality .
8 Taken over time , this series of systematic changes in the interconnected network of market decisions constitutes the market process .
9 The growth of an organism is seen as a series of gradual changes triggered by , and in turn triggering , sudden jumps in the biochemistry .
10 Women models displayed an air-hostess style ensemble of jacket , jupe-culotte , three-cornered hat and shoulder bag , before a series of other changes were revealed .
11 The press gave the impression that governors were going through a series of complicated changes and that new puzzles and ambiguities about their powers were being constantly revealed .
12 In these studies , by contrast , this transformation is understood as one of a whole series of cultural changes , heading towards new forms of abstraction and specificity .
13 Both of you experience a series of cardiovascular changes which can induce either blushing or blanching , caused by the now-familiar hormones — adrenaline , noradrenaline and dopamine .
14 Because tin lodes are apt to end at any time , miners have to be continually ready to open up new levels or drives , and to extend new ones in a series of crazy changes in direction .
15 Muscle cells , too , go through a series of characteristic changes as they mature .
16 Charles Julu , the latest in a series of rapid changes in senior military personnel ; Julu himself had taken over only days before from Lt.-Gen.
17 UNESCO experienced a major crisis in March when 800 employees stopped work for two hours in protest against a series of organizational changes ordered by the Director-General , Federico Mayor Zaragoza [ see p. 37335 ] .
18 IN THE first part of this book Michael Shallis gives an interesting non-technical account of how modern physics has gone on from the common-sense notion of time to a whole series of fundamental changes .
19 The Revolution of 1905 made Tsar Nicholas II reluctantly agree to a series of sweeping changes .
20 James Curran and Jean Seaton 's strategy is premised on a series of structural changes which are intended to mitigate the ‘ undesirable ’ effects of the marketplace and produce a more ‘ responsible and representative ’ media .
21 In particular , the shift from Fordism to neo-Fordism has wrought a series of structural changes :
22 The party conference , for instance , had called for a series of constitutional changes , particularly in the USSR Supreme Soviet 's Council of Nationalities .
23 But the effect of this series of pessimistic changes was to more than double the estimates for wave power up to a range of 8–12 p/kWh .
24 At this stage , Benji thought he knew best and was busy anticipating Katharine 's aids , resulting in an impressive series of three-time changes !
25 For the Welsh mothers , in contrast , the arrival of a baby often marks a series of dramatic changes associated with loss of income and employment , and the relatively low status , and often isolation , of motherhood .
26 The lake 's many arms , and its very irregular shape with constrictions here and twists of direction there , contribute greatly to its fascinating charm as they combine to provide a series of dramatic changes of vista and of interest .
27 As we saw in Chapter 2 , many people find it hard to believe that something like the eye , Paley 's favourite example , so complex and well designed , with so many interlocking working parts , could have arisen from small beginnings by a gradual series of step-by-step changes .
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