Example sentences of "everyone else is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But the likelihood is that everyone else is consuming the same product ; with the inexorable rise in the number of books in print , there are now approaching 600,000 different titles to choose from , allowing each of us to tailor our reading precisely to our own individual needs and preferences .
2 There are other factors that recommend elimination , not least being the fact that everyone else is moving in the same direction ; so if British car makers want to sell their vehicles abroad , as surely they must , they must make car engines that run without lead .
3 When the swell rises to twenty feet plus and the high surf warning siren sounds and everyone else is evacuating the water , these are the men who paddle out .
4 As Adam Woolf of Crisis explains : ‘ Our perception is that everyone else is enjoying themselves at Christmas with roast turkey , mince pies and pudding .
5 You can just imagine this little boy in the playground , when everyone else is kicking a soccer ball , dressed with big padded shoulders and a helmet and an American football — it was quite bizarre really .
6 ‘ Ashley 's hotel is in a different part of town from where everyone else is staying and it seemed unfair to expect them to take a detour , ’ his mother explained .
7 The business is either going forward or going backward because everyone else is going forward .
8 After all , everyone else is going away from us . ’
9 About Indians who live abroad , he says : ‘ They work long hours , give large discounts , open when everyone else is closed and become well-off shopkeepers .
10 Knowing enough of the language to understand what everyone else is saying is a decided plus .
11 These decisions are taken privately , without reference to what everyone else is doing , because nobody can know what everyone else is doing .
12 These decisions are taken privately , without reference to what everyone else is doing , because nobody can know what everyone else is doing .
13 How do you find out what everyone else is doing ?
14 Mm see what everyone else is doing .
15 Depends depends on what everyone else is doing I du n no .
16 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
17 Sub-text : ‘ Everyone else is feeling the same as me . ’
18 Everyone else is swanning around the South of France anyway .
19 While most of us can recall dreams at least occasionally , there is a sizeable minority of people who claim never to dream , and who understandably have some difficulty in understanding what everyone else is talking about .
20 Besides , everyone else is bidding out of their next pay , just as I am .
21 And now I 'm going back to the warren to make sure everyone else is finished with you as well .
22 ‘ But everyone else is having a brew .
23 It is time they pulled in their belts like everyone else is having to .
24 Even if everyone else is having a good time you tend to end up focusing on the one ASSHOLE !
25 Robert Thirtle is bored bachelor Richard , stuck minding the fort while everyone else is having fun ; looking for love while guarding a lunatic prisoner .
26 The latter will end by confirming or rejecting the original theory , but humans , being what they are , will usually manage to prove themselves right and join some kind of inquisition to make sure everyone else is proved right too .
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