Example sentences of "decision on [art] ground " in BNC.

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1 For example , it is likely that the only person who would be held to have sufficient interest to challenge a decision on the ground of breach of natural justice would be the person denied a hearing because the rules of natural justice are designed to protect individual rights .
2 Thus , I doubt whether any attempt to review the plaintiff 's decision on the ground that it had failed to consider the planning option would have succeeded .
3 All except Lord Diplock founded their decision on the ground that the LTE was under a general duty to run its operations on ordinary business principles and that this had been breached by the reduction of fares without regard to those principles .
4 The court quashed the Minister 's decision on the ground that he should have considered the school 's application in the wider context and not only as it affected the particular school .
5 The judgment for the plaintiff was upheld by the House of Lords , but Lord Cairns L.C. rested his decision on the ground that the defendant had made a ‘ non-natural use ’ of his land , though he regarded the judgment of Blackburn J. as reaching the same result and said he entirely concurred in it .
6 But he justified the board 's decision on the ground of cost .
7 The solicitor acting for the College sought a review of the decision on the ground that no argument on the Rybak decision had been heard before the IT .
8 Disallowing an expert 's decision on the ground of fraud or partiality is uncontroversial .
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